Ask Suger: How to decide what type of exercise is for you.

So I did that survey, right? Many people had questions, ideas and suggestions for topics to be covered on the blog. I LOVE that. So to give them a space to live on their own, I've started this little series. The Ask Suger series. It can be a question about confidence, life, health, food,...

I see patterns.

Random things like birth order. The number of nieces I have versus the number of nephews. The amount on either side. Often I keep looking until I can find a symmetry. I'm sure that's some sort of disorder but it helps to make things make sense for me. I like patterns. I like numbers. I like...

Aussie Curves: Celebrity Copycat

My my my what a challenge THIS turns out to be. I've replicated Khloe's style previously, Rachel's too. Then there was the accidental Miranda copy. So I was fresh out of ideas and with zero inspiration I turned to Pinterest. Of course. Who would it be this time. What look would I attempt to...

Spring racing fashion for plus size ladies

'Tis the season, right? All the fashionista types are talking spring carnival, spring racing and what they are going to wear. Put them aside and the rest of the country is deciding what they will wear to whatever form of Melbourne Cup luncheon they'll be attending. I've been considering my...

Crisp White + Denim for Spring

Oh yeah spring, you remember that season right!? Well, we finally got a little bit of it here. Finally! Instead of scorching heat, we had some moderate temps so I took the opportunity and dragged out my heavier boyfriend jeans {off-limits over 25 degrees}. I'd been dying to wear their crisp...

Procrastination? Don’t mind if I do.

I've got a fair bit of stuff on my to-do list at the moment. And by a fair bit, I mean LOTS AND LOTS. True to form (of late), I am procrastinating like a pro. I have a gift, what can I say. I know what you're thinking; I'm a pretty darn good procrastinator. I could probably top you. Well,...

Planning a Wedding? How to NOT go bonkers

Sponsored by    When approached me about doing a post for them, I thought maybe they had missed the boat. My wedding was over 8 years ago now, after all. You know, before Pinterest. I’m not really in the market for wedding dresses and bridal type items. But then I...

When is it okay to let people change you?

When is it okay to let people change you? Some people would say never; to be yourself no matter what. And generally, I would agree. You should hold firm to your principles and ideals and not let go. BUT there are sometimes lessons to be learned from people around you that may require you to...

A Four Year Journey.

This blog started on the 29th October 2009. It started with a post about nothing. It was started by a girl who wanted to share all the beautiful things in life. A girl who loved quotes, advertising images and the beach. It started to become a place to tell her stories. A place to share the ups...

EPIC t-shirt

My love for all things basic tee is only matched by my love of t-shirts with words on them. It started years ago. Reached a peak when I picked up the "Team Guy Who Hit Bella With a Car" t-shirt. I love them. They make me smile and I can't help but wear them A LOT. And they're fun. Did I mention...

Be shareable, they said.

When it comes to advice for bloggers it can be a bit hit and miss. Lately the readership of this blog has plateaued as I worked hard on getting the workbook to completion. Looking for advice I clicked around the interwebs look for advice. I was told time and time again to create shareable...

Maxi Skirt + Chambray + Date Night {She Wore What}

This week I'm yet again a bit of a hit and miss blogger. That's not usually my style. I'm ordered, disciplined and prolific. But then I strained a muscle in my back and everything hurt. Particularly sitting at a laptop. So I did what I could and was okay with that. Keen to get back into this...

Spring/Summer Plus Size Fashion Lookbooks

This post contains brands that have previously gifted items for editorial consideration. No stock exchanged hands in relation to inclusion in this post. Any questions, please ask. My inbox was alive with the sound of spring/summer plus size fashion earlier last month. It was time and the brands...

Aussie Curves: Pink

Morning folks. The Aussie Curves ladies are venturing into pink week this week and it's a place I'm certainly not as comfortable in as I was last week in all my stripe clothing! That's FOR SURE. But pink is pink and I'm dedicated to playing along every week this year so here I am. What's a...

Boyfriend Jeans + Casual Stripes

Caution: This post contains a gifted item with fart noise story. Is there an elegant way to say fart noise? Probably not. Sorry about that. Moving on.  My stripes week is coming to an end and I saved this fun outfit {and post} for last. I picked up this stripe tank in Best & Less the other...

Why I love Dads of ex-classmates + other ramblings.

It's been a while. A while since I just sat down and wrote for the heck of it. Wrote until words tumbled out of this noisy old head of mine on to the page. I've been busy, the eBook has been keeping me REALLY busy. Apparently they are a lot of work. Haha. Who knew!? So this evening as I sit...

plus size stripes outfit summer

Stripe Pencil Skirt Lover {She Wore What}

Stripes week continues, and I couldn't possibly leave you all with only ONE stripe outfit. I have three planned. The final one has Crocs in it. Stop laughing; it does! But later in the week, let's talk about this outfit. This pencil skirt and I have come a long way, baby. I've owned it for...

It’s been a while since I had my heart broken

It’s been a while since I had my heart broken

It's hard to believe that my first post about our new puppy, Fetch, is probably my last. No sugarcoating it here, this past few weeks have sucked. Big time. Skip this one if you're not in the mood, folks. I just wanted to make sure he was documented here, where all the things I love are documented. I'd always joked about getting...

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Where to begin…

Where to begin…

I've sat down to write this update post multiple times now. It's been a while, and there is a lot to catch up on. Stuff with me, the business, the house, finding my feet after the year that was 2020 and everything in between. But then the sheer volume overwhelms me, and I delete the draft and run for the hills. But not today. No...

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I stopped writing about confidence when anxiety took over

I stopped writing about confidence when anxiety took over

Writing a blog about confidence is pretty tough when you feel like a fraud. I should know; that's exactly how I felt. Looking back, I knew things were really out of control when I attended an event in Brisbane, pre-Covid. In a room full of people, most I'd known for years, I couldn't breathe. Nothing could distract or settle me....

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New to me plus-size brands giving big summer energy

New to me plus-size brands giving big summer energy

A beach baby since before birth, I'm team summer, even if it leaves me a frizzy, sweaty mess more often than not. Thankfully, after a little exploring online, some new to me plus-size brands with big summer energy popped into my feed. Everything you need for a Queensland summer, from swimwear to activewear (or as I like to call...

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What I learned when I gave up drinking

What I learned when I gave up drinking

I'm serious when I tell you when I gave up drinking, I hadn't intended to. One day I was changing how I ate, looking to achieve a whole host of things, and I decided alcohol wouldn't fit in with those changes. So, I stopped drinking. Now, It's been three months since I gave up drinking, and I don't miss it. Thinking about it now,...

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Make something, even if it sucks: Ask Suger

Make something, even if it sucks: Ask Suger

Considering I was in my office this morning before 6 am, you'd think I'd be ready to roll with this email early, right? Apparently not. I got caught up making a few changes to the blog branding I had a dream about last night. Saying it came to me in a dream seems a little out there, but that's kind of how it went.  I've been...

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How much I made on Fiverr in my first year

How much I made on Fiverr in my first year

It all started with a simple question, can I earn money on Fiverr as a photographer? Keen to get into doing more product photography, I was looking for a way to find clients and generate more work for myself. A YouTube video about a freelance copywriter on CNBC's Millennial Money convinced me to turn to Fiverr. And after the...

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Feeling left behind in life: Ask Suger

Feeling left behind in life: Ask Suger

A couple of weeks ago, I received an Ask Suger talking about the changes they had been going through in their life and how they felt behind everyone else they knew. And it wasn't that they were not getting what they wanted, feeling as if they were taking giant steps backwards. So, they wanted to see if I'd ever felt like that and...

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How did I disappear from my life?

How did I disappear from my life?

Where did I go? That's the question I've been asking myself lately. How did I manage to disappear from my life? Somewhere around late 2020, I stopped documenting my life, being in pictures and outside of the weekly Suger News emails sharing. Where did I go? I don't know. All I know is I was done with a grinding screech of an old...

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Taking Shape x Elverina Johnson collection

Taking Shape x Elverina Johnson collection

Taking Shape is thrilled to reveal the first-ever First Nations designs by the highly regarded artist Elverina Johnson. A highly respected Gungganji Gurugulu woman from Yarrabah in Far North Queensland, Elverina is one of the Nation’s most recognisable and accomplished artists. Her belief is that arts can empower Aboriginal and...

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Skimlinks Test