2020 Blog Wrap Up

2020 Blog Wrap Up

Here we are, on the very first day of 2021. Not me, I’m probably still in bed sleeping off a food coma. I’m sure the drink has nothing to do with it. This is past me, writing from the New Year’s Eve morning with a determination to make sure we end...
How to be a PR friendly blog

How to be a PR friendly blog

I receive emails sometimes with PR requests and offers, and opportunities. Always lots and lots of opportunities. I consider my blog to be a PR friendly blog; I respond to emails that have a call to action or request, love to attend events and will do so if I can. And...
30 days of daily blogging.

30 days of daily blogging.

Well, it’s been 30 days of daily blogging; give or take a few days. I made it, sort of. While I may not have blogged every single day, but I did the majority of them. In the last 30 days, I made stuff; took more photos and wrote what was there to write day after...