Using Pinterest to develop your personal style!
This past week before I entered the accidental media black out that was the long weekend spent in Central Queensland, I had a post go live at Nikki's blog Styling You. You know the one, right? A real-girl guide to fashion, beauty and life. You know. That one. It's a pretty darn good post if I...
Is your body ready for summer!?
So is YOUR body summer ready? And I don't mean is it ready for the heat, I mean it in the whole join a gym, just eat lettuce and hope like hell maybe you'll be presentable at the beach this year. Fingers crossed. Still probably not. That thing. The ads start, the marketing and the subliminal...
Aussie Curves: Stripes {She Wore What}
On the way home from Rockhampton today we stopped quickly in Bundaberg for a quick stopover to see Hubby's Mum. I jumped out of the car, slapped on my new hat and we grabbed some photos for stripes week. Stripe week is practically a week made just for me. There was no way that I could miss it....
eBook Cover Outfit Shoot {She Wore What}
The Budget Fashionista Workbook is in the final stages and should be coming to a blog store near you shortly. Phew! One of the final things on my list was to get some photos for the front and rear covers and the inside pages to reduce the number of stock images I needed to buy. And make it more...
My boyfriend thinks… {Confident You}
My boyfriend thinks I'm too smart for him. I really like him. Should I act more stupid? Really? What John Green said! He's the guy in the image above. No. A million times no. Do you want a boyfriend like that? I vote no. Too tall, too fat, too wordy, too geekish, too successful, too loud, too...
Pattern Clash Monochrome Party {She Wore What}
When someone told me black and white was huge for spring I almost peed my pants I was that excited. I like colour. LOVE colour. But I'm a classic black and white girl at heart. It's just so chic, so simple and so very cool. The longer it's considered "in" the better for me. Though you won't see...
Beth Ditto {Steal Her Style}
My back story on Beth Ditto is pretty darn small. I became aware of this amazing woman when her collection at Evans was online and then sold out pretty darn quickly. In the way things turn out sometimes I was missing out. A beauty with a love of fashion, feisty, flashy and forward fashion Beth...
Aussie Curves: Festival {She Wore What}
FYI - This post contains a gifted item I ended up talking A LOT about. Now Festival theme week is something I LOVE the idea of but the truth is the whole festival thing is the furthest distance away from how I'd spend a weekend. I like music, art, performance. I just don't get the whole...
Bek’s Guide to Building a Killer Wardrobe on a Budget
A little while ago I reached out to Bek of Colourful Curves to write me this post. Bek is on a tight income, is raising children and still manages pretty killer wardrobe. She's a great example of someone building a great wardrobe on a budget. I asked her to share some tips with you in the lead...
How to be confident in groups {Confident You}
It wasn't that long ago that I was taking my seat amongst 450 other bloggers at the ProBlogger training event. The room was packed to the brim and there were people everywhere. If you're anything like me that's confronting. All those people, new faces, possibly judgie faces. Ha. So how when...
Cherry Tomato Haul Caprese Inspired Salad
Okay that was a really long-winded title for what is basically a bunch of chopped up tomatoes in a bowl. Seriously. But it's such a tasty little treat that I felt like I need to cover all my bases. It's caprese salad inspired because the three key components are here; tomato, spinach and...
You’re only as good as the advice you take. {Confident You}
Today as I sat tapping madly away in my local coffee shop, a conversation started to drift into my space. A father and his adult son sat talking over their plans for the future. The adult son had a lot of financial commitments for the year, including a child old enough to learn to drive who...
8 years. 2,920 days. 70,080 hours.
Today is our eighth wedding anniversary. This might be the first year {Hubby, but let's call him by his name for this post} Kel reads this blog post without me sticking it under his nose. Kel's really into Facebook these days. And his iGadgets. And this blog. It makes me burst with joy that he...
25 things you can do today to be more confident {Confident You}
Well hello, there folks, it's the weekend, and I'm about to dive head-on into some work. But I've been chipping away at this list for a while, and I finally finished it. Mostly because I've been easily distracted lately, but also, 25 things is A LOT. Good luck to you, have some fun, enjoy...
Where to Buy Plus Size Stockings and Tights
I don't know about you but finding plus size stockings I like, that fit me well and don't cost the earth is something that is damn near impossible. Yet, owning a great pair of stockings or tights can be such a godsend to a girl's winter wardrobe. Summer dresses get a winter update, short skirts...
Warm Winter Chickpea and Pumpkin Salad
For me, winter salads have to at least have something a little warm about them. In summer I love the crisp, fresh, chilly feeling of a fresh salad with chilled dressing and loads of colourful produce. In winter I need something a little more comforting and warming. Something to give me a big...
Laugh with your mouth open.
It was a cool night in Brisbane and the afternoon rain glistened on the now darkened pavement. The buses whooshed by but no one else was really out and about except us. We were attending a workshop about being effective. Not more effective, effective: full stop. The mood was light, and some...