I’ve got a fair bit of stuff on my to-do list at the moment. And by a fair bit, I mean LOTS AND LOTS. True to form (of late), I am procrastinating like a pro. I have a gift, what can I say. I know what you’re thinking; I’m a pretty darn good procrastinator. I could probably top you. Well, challenge accepted, my friend. This post is a good example of things.

There was the other day when I baked bread. Because I could, because there was time. I took a nap, then rolled over and took a second. I’ve taken more baths than should be allowed in this sort of dry weather conditions. I’ve probably caused a drought all on my own. I’ve written to-do lists, I’ve typed them, I’ve emailed them, and I scribble them on my mirror in whiteboard marker. I watch old movies and new ones.


I even found The Princess Bride and watched it too.


I went out for coffee, caught up with friends I see semi-annually and edited some baby photos for my cousin, which was a thing of procrastination beauty itself. I managed to take three well-taken photos and spend a couple of hours on them. I produced over 12 edited versions in numerous shades and contrasts. I even submitted a few with pale pink shading because, heck, we don’t see many girls around these here parts.

There was dinner to cook and lunches to pack. Dishes to wash and clothes to fold. None of which seemed urgent on a normal day. I welcome visitors and spend ages lying around chatting. I find excuses to change writing spots. From the couch to the floor, the floor to the table, the table to my bed, my bed to my office. And back again because someone NEEDS to clean up that office. There is paperwork from carpet to ceiling in there.


I’ll add it to my list.


Then there was a beach day, more blog photos, a haircut and colour and more than one coffee run with Hubby. Bit by bit, the intensity starts to build. I feel like soon, sometime really soon, the work will get done. SOON I will have the stroke of genius that ensures my sales page is awesome, my guest posts are spectacular, and the eJunkie cart is simple and effective. My time will come.

Until then, I have two more loaves of bread dough waiting to rise, plenty more people I could visit, and I could absolutely read the eBook through again. One more time wouldn’t hurt. One more post about procrastinating. One more day closer to the deadline. Another hour slips by that I won’t get back. Another kick in the backside proves fruitless. But I’ll get there in the end. Procrastinating never hurt anyone… Right?


After all, I’m still here, and I’m the queen.


p.s. You should comment on this post and give me a reason to reply to it. That would be cool. And take a few minutes AT LEAST to do. Haha.