The Budget Fashionista Workbook is in the final stages and should be coming to a blog store near you shortly. Phew! One of the final things on my list was to get some photos for the front and rear covers and the inside pages to reduce the number of stock images I needed to buy. And make it more personal and all that too, of course.

So yesterday afternoon the fabulous Desiree of Madame Rouge Makeup came to make up my face and hold my hand. I was surprisingly nervous to take these photos considering the number of photos of myself I take every week! It’s like saying sum up your style, why someone would want it and everything you’re trying to say in the book in ONE outfit. It was a mental challenge to say the least. I barely slept. No really. Stop laughing. Seriously.

We took two set of photos with the plan to discard one and use the other for the covers. One or two of the photos below may end up in the eBook somewhere but maybe not too. They ended up a bit too white on white. My sister rolled her eyes and asked what I was thinking photographing a white shirt on a white wall. I said I wanted a clean look. Too far? Yeah, probably. But it’s still too cute of an outfit not to show off! 

I mean come oooooon! Neon wedges, cuffed light wash jeans and a cute scarf. What’s not to love. I’m jealous of our friends in the Southern Hemisphere who are heading into fall. Jealous because you’re still getting into jeans weather. Other than the lightest of light jeans it certainly is not jeans weather here. It’s been hot! Over thirty degrees celsius for weeks now. We’ve even had a few evening storms. You know, the sort that arrives after a hot and humid summer’s day with a crackle of electricity and a burst of cool air.

But it’s October {just!}. Mother Nature didn’t get the memo I suppose.

Whatever it is I love this shear top over jeans, even these low slung ones. Add a simple singlet and some serious fun via the shoes and scarf and you’re on. As far as a basic outfit goes nothing can beat the distressed jeans, white top combo. Nothing. It’s like a blank canvas to artist types. It just begs to be added to. But is beautiful in its own way too. If you know what I mean? You do. Of course!

Top – ASOS Curve circa 2010
Singlet – Target
Scarf – Cotton On
Jeans – ASOS Curve circa 2010
Wedges – Big Shoe Zam {gifted}


If you had to pick an outfit to represent you on the cover of an eBook what would YOU wear?