On the way home from Rockhampton today we stopped quickly in Bundaberg for a quick stopover to see Hubby’s Mum. I jumped out of the car, slapped on my new hat and we grabbed some photos for stripes week. Stripe week is practically a week made just for me. There was no way that I could miss it. To have arrived on Monday night and not had a post live yet, well that’s just not cricket!

In case you didn’t know, I have a thing for stripes.

A big fat thing. It’s a love affair. A total love affair. Stripes and I go way back. My normal week is not complete if I haven’t worn a striped outfit. Lots or a little. It’s something that draws the most criticism for me on this blog. Big girls, fat girls, curvy girls, chubby girls ARE NOT supposed to wear horizontal stripes. No way, it’s a no-no. I hear it over and over again; most time, I ignore it. If people are particularly rude sharing their opinion I tell them to butt out, I look fabulous. When people are so set in their ways like that, it’s really just about you doing you and leaving them to do them.

And friends, I encourage you to do the same.

T-Shirt – Kmart
Hat – Kmart
Skirt – 17 Sundays BASIC {last season}
Thongs – Target

Stripes week? You ain’t seen nothing yet.