Trying on my old clothes! {Video}

Trying on my old clothes! {Video}

The idea to try on my old clothes was an idea that came to me while I was cleaning out my closet. Again. Some of the items that I still own and wear are upwards of 5 years old. Some have been with me for longer. My first thought was, do they still fit. After all, my...
We bought a drone!

We bought a drone!

Something happened when we bought the camper trailer. First, it was an Instagram account to document our travels (of course) and registration of a domain (nothing to see there as yet). Then we purchased LED light kits and solar mats. We talked about selling my car and...
But WHAT do you do?

But WHAT do you do?

It comes up in conversation more often than I can count. People wondering what IS IT exactly that I do? I have a blog, for sure. But that can’t earn me a living, right? (right! Haha). So with family Christmas card season just around the corner, I thought...
That’s what she said {Vlog}

That’s what she said {Vlog}

I feel like this video should be pretty self-explanatory, but well, I’m a blogger so that’s not going to happen. On Sunday Kel and I packed up the car and took a drive to Hervey Bay. We were going with the sole purpose of spending some time with my friend...