I was talking to Dani (you know her, right? SUPERSTAR) and as long time, back in the dark ages type bloggers, we were wondering how the heck we used to make it work. What did we blog about? How did we fit so much more in? Did we fit more in, or nah?
While in this what the heck, how do I even do this spiral, Ash of Ashas_Curves said she’d recently lost her mojo, but now she’s identified her why and she’s ready to go. I’m pretty confident this isn’t my problem. I’ve been locked down on my why for a while now. I even created a mission statement type thing. Classic geek.
To advance the position of women through confidence, self-awareness and self-sufficiency.
It feels like I don’t know where to start. Or what to start or how. I mean, is it possible to forget how to do something that has been a part of your persona, business and lifestyle for almost a decade? It feels like it went POOF and disappeared.
And yes, this increasingly lengthy post seems to directly indicate otherwise. What I’m doing is something I used to do; I opened a page and I started to write. With no plan. Heck, I even just went back up and put a title in.
So, in the interests of making something, I’ve decided to write a post on this blog for the next 30 days.
If I have something on, I’ll schedule it. If I miss a day, you’ve got full permission to kick my butt. You guys, my team, are pretty great to me. You let me come and go, time to deal with myself and time to grow. But this time, it’s on, let’s not let this go by the wayside. I want to get back in the habit of blogging. After all, I said I have to get out more, what better way to tackle it than by doing STUFF to blog about.
I mean, I ate breakfast at a cafe this morning, does that count?
And, the other day I softly petted the head of a teeny tiny, new’ish baby.
Last week I made a warm salad that was impressive AF and learned how to play Fortnite.
And most importantly I spent the day with my mother and sister saying goodbye to a woman who impacted my early years in a way I’m not I can quantify. How do I express that? How do I share what she taught me so it lives on here? I know I want to, I want it recorded and here for when I need it. But how?
To be honest, I’m not sure. But I’ll try. That’s what blogs are for, right?
Hi! I’m Melissa Walker Horn. Around here, they call me Suger. I’m the Chief Blogger and doer of all the things here at Suger Coat It. Blogging since 1901; I love a casual ootd, taking photos, and writing about things that irk or inspire me. I love wine and cheese, long days at the beach and spending time with my family. I make stuff for the internet over at Chalkboard Digital. You know, living the sweet life.
Just seeing this post linked-up with our comfort zone series. Off to the doctor but will come back to see how you have fared on this endeavor. I am with you; how did we do it all a long time ago…I think it has something to do with not spending hours on social media. I can easily spend an entire day just reading/commenting on blogs, writing posts, posting to Insta and FB, emailing. Then throwing a can of soup at the stove and calling it dinner. Will be back in a bit. Hope you will join us on 06.30 for our next Stepping Outside of My Comfort Zone link-up. If you email me at mommyhon333@hotmail.com, I can send you the link up codes!! Would love to have you aboard again!
Yes, I came across it from one of the other blogs in a link up I normally join and though this would be perfect! There’s a lot to be said for habits, I think, and I’ve 100% gotten out of the habit of creating stuff first, and doing the rest later.
Suger, shall I add you to our email group for reminders and the link-up codes for Stepping Outside My Comfort Zone? If so, please shoot me a quick email at mommyhon333@hotmail.com. Thanks!!!
Sure, please do! It’s melissa@sugercoatit.com, thank you.
visiting from a link-up…. not sure which one as I opened a bunch of them this morning… MLSTL? Comfort Zone? Whatever. You certainly do have the words in you trying to get out. GO FOR IT! Tell us what she taught you. It doesn’t need to be quantified, just said. Tell the stories.
Although personally, I cannot imagine trying to do one post a day, but I’m a perfectionist geek that writes, edits, and then edits again. Best wishes for getting out blogging mojo back.
Hahaha. I get that. I joined three this week. It could be anywhere!
And that’s it exactly, I was qualifying posts and stories and determining SO MANY of them as not fitting an idea or not being important enough. It was a trap, I barely wrote anything! That said, so can that perfectionist geek thing too, watch that guy. 😉
Well so you don’t know how to blog any more…doesn’t look like that to me! And, remember link ups? They are pretty good for sharing stories too! In fact I know of one that starts every Monday … see you there? D xx
Haha. Apparently, it was still in there somewhere.
And yes, I do remember! I’ve been missing the cut-offs recently (and then didn’t blog for almost three weeks). I’ll be back, don’t you worry about that. Especially now that I’ve set myself this challenge.