are you living your life with style + confidence?

start living the sweet life

With its various incarnations, this blog has always been about living your life in a way that makes you proud. Living with style is our way of sharing lifestyle content without the side order of FOMO. Take what you need, the things that inspire and serve you, and leave the rest behind. We’re all about creating your life, not trying to make it look like someone else’s. 

I stopped writing about confidence when anxiety took over - sugercoatit

I stopped writing about confidence when anxiety took over

Writing a blog about confidence is pretty tough when you feel like a fraud. I should know; that's exactly how I felt. Looking back, I knew things were really out of control when I attended an event in Brisbane, pre-Covid. In a room full of people, most I'd known...

New to me plus-size brands giving big summer energy

A beach baby since before birth, I'm team summer, even if it leaves me a frizzy, sweaty mess more often than not. Thankfully, after a little exploring online, some new to me plus-size brands with big summer energy popped into my feed. Everything you need for a...

What I learned when I gave up drinking

I'm serious when I tell you when I gave up drinking, I hadn't intended to. One day I was changing how I ate, looking to achieve a whole host of things, and I decided alcohol wouldn't fit in with those changes. So, I stopped drinking. Now, It's been three months...

Make something even if it sucks - suger coat it

Make something, even if it sucks: Ask Suger

Considering I was in my office this morning before 6 am, you'd think I'd be ready to roll with this email early, right? Apparently not. I got caught up making a few changes to the blog branding I had a dream about last night. Saying it came to me in a dream seems a...

Do things at your own pace it's not a race - suger coat it

Feeling left behind in life: Ask Suger

A couple of weeks ago, I received an Ask Suger talking about the changes they had been going through in their life and how they felt behind everyone else they knew. And it wasn't that they were not getting what they wanted, feeling as if they were taking giant...

When did I go missing from my life - Suger Coat It

How did I disappear from my life?

Where did I go? That's the question I've been asking myself lately. How did I manage to disappear from my life? Somewhere around late 2020, I stopped documenting my life, being in pictures and outside of the weekly Suger News emails sharing. Where did I go? I don't...

Taking Shape x Elverina Johnson collection

Taking Shape is thrilled to reveal the first-ever First Nations designs by the highly regarded artist Elverina Johnson. A highly respected Gungganji Gurugulu woman from Yarrabah in Far North Queensland, Elverina is one of the Nation’s most recognisable and...

PUMA x Modibodi collaboration - In My Inbox Series @sugercoatit

Puma x Modibodi

Modibodi has partnered up with PUMA to launch a range of leak-free period activewear and underwear*, created to help women stay comfortable and active during their period whilst making a positive environmental impact. Awesome news for my inbox this week, right? I...

A few of my favourite things - Suger Coat It

A few of my favourite things…

A little while back, I thought it would be fun to do favourite things kind of post. Feature books and products, homewares to skincare—stuff I've seen on the interwebs in a roundup style post. But then, from memory, it was Afterpay Day. And the very idea of sending...

Take the time to celebrate your wins

Take the time to celebrate your wins

It's been big news around here. The kids' YouTube channel finally (fiiinnnnaallllyyy) reached 100 subscribers. We are all pretty pumped to achieve this first milestone. Especially as a channel made for kids with no specific purpose and, thanks to me, sporadic videos....

Summer’s Best Cheap and Cheerful Wines

Summer’s Best Cheap and Cheerful Wines

While I have smugly advanced past the cheapest of wines, that doesn't mean I'm not interested in getting value for money. I think maybe I just drank too much of the Accomplice Sav. Blanc back in the day to even stomach anything like it these days. Haha. Recently I...

Was Mr Big Carrie’s retirement plan all along?

Was Mr Big Carrie’s retirement plan all along?

Recently I was watching Sex and the City and as a thirty-something trying to do her best to run a business, live life and prepare for the future I found myself adding up the outfit changes and designer pieces, the apartment and meals, not to mention the taxis. Sure, I...

Show Your Work

Show Your Work

Ever wonder how TikToks can, as is the case with XXL Scrunchie & Co, one of my new favourites, exponentially grow their business? How can social media sell out an entire line of products in a few hours, less in the case of those with larger platforms? So what is...

Is snoozing the alarm stopping you from starting the day right?

Is snoozing the alarm stopping you from starting the day right?

We’ve been having work done at the house recently, so when my alarm goes off, I’ve been bouncing out of bed to avoid being spotted by tradies in my PJs. After a week or more of doing this, I had a tradie free day ahead of me and decided to snooze the alarm a few...

I’m grateful for you, Kelvin

I’m grateful for you, Kelvin

This one is easy, as far as choosing one thing every day to be grateful for, because today is Kelvin and my 16th wedding anniversary. Go, team. It feels like so long ago that we first met, and yet, not simultaneously. There we were, just a couple of kids with no idea....

Taking a social media break helped me figure myself out

Taking a social media break helped me figure myself out

Over the last month, on my social media break (as much as work allows), I've noticed a few things. Things about my life that I completely missed in the non-stop app switch that is social media. Firstly, I'm not very satisfied with my life. I keep looking for meaning...

Pinterest bans weight-loss ads; a win for users sick of Noom ads

Pinterest bans weight-loss ads; a win for users sick of Noom ads

If you've spent any time on Pinterest in the past year, you would have noticed the increase in ads from a certain non-diet diet company. My streams were bombarded, and despite reporting them as irrelevant or worse, they would still be there. It was not ideal,...

The best ways to get your confidence back after a rough spot

The best ways to get your confidence back after a rough spot

Looking for ways to get your confidence back? Maybe you've had a rough time recently, a break-up, challenges with your mental health, or you've had a baby, and this is about body confidence. If you've read some of my recent posts, you know I've been struggling with my...

Why I’m all about living more and working less

Why I’m all about living more and working less

When I say that I’m all about working less and living more, what does that mean to you? Books such as the 4-hour workweek springs to mind or every single clickbait online ad for making money while you sleep. There is a multitude of different things that could be coming to mind for you. But for me, it’s about buying back my time. For what, you might ask? For freedom, thanks. 

looking for a confidence boost?

check out these must-read posts to get you started building your self-esteem, confidence and body image

my body confidence story

my body confidence story plus video

Your body image is not your partners job

your body image is not your partners job

I've been struggling in front of the camera

i’ve been struggling to get in front of a camera

Books to improve your body image

books to improve your body image

Skimlinks Test