How to wear a crop top as a plus-size woman is something that has been swirling in conversation in the blogger community for a while now. Lots of the ladies in the US and UK have well and truly embraced the style making it work in their own way. One thing I’ve learnt is that there is no one clear way to wear a crop top.

Some bloggers brazenly show as much skin as they please flaunting what their mother gave them and all that. Others give the crop a more subtle nod with high-waisted skirts or pants covering all but a peek of skin. You guys know me and my style is pretty conservative. It’s no real surprise that I lean toward the second style choice more than the first.

But what might be surprising is that I put together a work outfit with a cropped shirt that I borrowed from Mel to wear to the Curvy Couture Roadshow. When I returned home I was meant to unpack it and half a dozen out items I’d borrowed while I was there. But I forgot. Home a day or two later I figured, one more wear wouldn’t hurt. Haha. Even if Liv IS probably giving me daggers as I write this because I was meant to leave that stuff behind for her to borrow. Mel too now I think about it. I bet she misses her brow compact… Double daggers. Whoops. But they’ll forgive me, I’m adorable. Here’s the outfit. 

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The way I made this work for work was by using a dress under instead of a high-waisted skirt. Now I don’t know about your office but mine frowns on even the smallest peek of skin at the midriff. Haha. By using the bodycon dress as a high-waisted pencil skirt it makes sure that no matter how high your arms need to go into the air you are sorted. Covered. But it doesn’t lose the effect.

To make it more work friendly make sure the fit is good, that you have a smooth line in the skirt and you haven’t worn something that will ride up. Mine is jersey so it was important to layer a slip under it to give me more coverage and make it a little more modest. Too clingy or grabby at work has always been a no no for me. But you decide.

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Top – ASOS {Straight Sizing – UK18}
Bodycon Dress – ASOS Curve {UK24}
Necklace – Various old pieces put together
Heels – Evans {2013}