As if getting my outfit post mojo back wasn’t difficult enough, now the fam is comparing my outfit to horse blankets! I mean, what the heck am I supposed to do with THAT!? Haha. So this is a post about a knit dress, one that apparently looks like it has the texture of a rug. A dress that when I wore it late last week was okay to wear with bare legs, but is now getting a run with leggings and boots.

I mean, brrrr Queensland, what is going ON!?

Oh, winter. Right. Nevermind.

As you saw in the last knit dress post, I hit up the ASOS markdowns and picked myself up some snuggly winter goodness. I’ve been super happy with my buys. I feel like a bit of a legend for remembering to do it before the stock was all gone and there was nothing but summer as far as the eye can see.

When this one arrived I worried it might be a little short. It was advertised as a mini dress, but I’d sized up. But you know what, I’m here for it. The best part is that even though the fam think it looks like a horse blanket, it’s SO soft. There’s no roughness to it, just a tight knit to keep me cosy all winter long.

Pffft. Horse blanket my ass.

I don’t know, it kind of looks more like a car floor carpet to me… 

It’s on sale here for $28.50. I mean, come on, that’s ridiculous.