Home is where the heart is, right? Tell that to someone who has relied on the kindness of their sister and her family for almost six months and see what they say. They’d probably say, despite missing your sister, your BFF and your adorable nephew desperately, that having your space is awesome. Being settled in is the best. And I’m happy to report that it’s pretty much all systems go here.

Sure there are boxes yet to be unpacked.

Rooms with no furniture to speak of.

My office is still half filled with items we plan to garage sale.

But we are here. The painter is not. It’s our place, and we are settling in just fine. We curl up on the couch, lie in bed at night and shower in our house. We complain about the stairs, and the glass cook-top and laugh because finally, we have the opportunity to because they are ours. This is our fifth house together. The second renovation.

This is our fifth house together. The second renovation. And the 6th time my name has appeared on the title of a property. I feel lucky. There is a chance some in my generation won’t know the satisfaction of owing a bank shitloads of money for your home. But I do, we do, and I couldn’t be happier to do it.

I’m sure there’s more to say on that topic, isn’t there always especially at the moment, but I’m going to leave it there. Let you know that we are doing ok. That we are getting there. That the new couch was worth the fifty-billion years wait to get. Stay tuned, there will be more updates as each of the room are finished off. I mean, I promised to bore you to tears. I plan on honoring that.

Links to previous posts about our place;

The one when we left the old house

The time I said I was moving

The announcement + mood board

The renovation + first renovation sneak peek