How to get people to read your blog? Interesting question. Certainly not one I’m a total expert in. There are still times when I ask myself how the heck I encourage more people to read MY blog. Who doesn’t right? Bloggers dream of a large engaged community of people who appreciate the work they’re doing. Fair call, right? There’s a lot of time and effort that goes into producing the content for a blog, it makes sense to want people to care about what you’re doing.

So, what do you do if you’re new or there’s no one reading?

Good news, I have some ideas. And a video {as is becoming my usual}. But outlined below are my top strategies and habits to encourage more people to read your blog AND get them to keep coming back to it. Breaking it down this way reminded me of the bad habits I’ve picked up over the past eight years of blogging. The things I know I should be doing and don’t. And the things I do that I shouldn’t be.

If you’re not into blogging, sorry about this, maybe try this post with a video tour of my house instead? Way more fun. But if you’re into blogging, then, I’m ready when you are, let’s get started. If you’re not watching the video, I’ve also briefly outlined the points below for you to refer to later.

Watch the video: how to get more people to read your blog



Be part of the community

Get out there and participate in the blogging community. Especially on those blogs that share similar readers as yours. It doesn’t have to be another plus size fashion blog. It could be homewares or lifestyle blog. Whatever it is, jump in, participate and become part of the conversation. Just do what you can to avoid the whole, “PLEASE VISIT ME” thing. If your comments and interactions are valuable, people will check you out. If you beg them too, not so much.


Create a Blog Schedule

If you have a plan for how many posts you will do every week, your readers will know when to come back for new posts. Set a schedule. Advertise it on your social media, in your header or sidebar if you want. Whatever it takes, choose those post days and commit. This tip will benefit you, as much as it will your audience. You’ll have something to work towards and a bit of a plan to get you there.


Blog Like YOU

There is SO much content out there in the world. You can Google pretty much anything and find hundreds, if not thousands of articles on that topic. So why should people come to you? The answer is simple; it’s you. YOU are what is going to be unique about your blog, so start practising sharing who you are and your personality with your readers. Show them who you are.


Be Consistent.

When you start blogging {you’ve set that schedule, right?} you should aim to be so consistent it’s boring. Your audience should know when you’ll be posting next and what they should be expecting from you. If you want people to read your blog, then make sure when they try to, there is something there to meet that need. Think of your favourite bloggers (or Instagram-ers, whatever) do they post regularly? Can you count on them?


Create a series

If you want to create a reason for people to read your blog {and continue to come back to keep reading} then think about creating a series. Similar to my Confident You or Fashion Anarchy post series (which later became workbooks). By creating something that people can sign up for or come back for, you encourage people to do just that. What’s something YOU know or would like to share with people?


Let me know if you have any questions or if you have any tips to share with anyone reading this post. Maybe you’re a pro-blogger and you have some info to share, well, you’re welcome to do so. Thanks for checking out the post, keep an eye out this week for an outfit post. Mr Suger has promised me some of his time this week, the wait is over!

Before you go, I’ve put together some AMAZING blog posts from around the interwebs on my ‘Blogging Tips’ Pinterest board. Pin one, pin them all, whatever you have decided to do. There are so many tips for taking the tips I’ve given and put them into practice on your blog through scheduling, planning, and knowing what works on which social media platform.

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Simple and Easy ways to get people to read your blog - Suger Coat It

How to get people to read your blog - Suger Coat It

Get way more people to read your blog - Suger Coat It