let’s talk about making money online

Have you ever wondered if you have what it takes to quit your job and work for yourself? (You do btw). Looking for a way to generate a little bit of cash on the side or a full-time income, start a business or take on the big guys in business? Below you’ll find the most recent posts on all things making money online. As a blogger and business owner, I enjoy sharing what’s been working for me (and not), the new things I’m trying out and discovering and much more.

How much I made on Fiverr in my first year as a photographer? - Suger Coat It

How much I made on Fiverr in my first year

It all started with a simple question, can I earn money on Fiverr as a photographer? Keen to get into doing more product photography, I was looking for a way to find clients and generate more work for myself. A YouTube video about a freelance copywriter on CNBC's...

How I became a level one seller on fiverr - Suger Coat It

How I became a Level One Seller on Fiverr

When we left off in my last post, I was 45 days into my experiment. I was hopeful that a conversation would turn into a sale and asked you to keep your fingers crossed. Cliffhanger! It's been pretty much two months to the day since my last blog update. Even then, I...

Was Mr Big Carrie’s retirement plan all along?

Recently I was watching Sex and the City and as a thirty-something trying to do her best to run a business, live life and prepare for the future I found myself adding up the outfit changes and designer pieces, the apartment and meals, not to mention the taxis....

Show Your Work by Austin Kleon - Review by Suger Coat It

Show Your Work

Ever wonder how TikToks can, as is the case with XXL Scrunchie & Co, one of my new favourites, exponentially grow their business? How can social media sell out an entire line of products in a few hours, less in the case of those with larger platforms? So what...

Can I make money as a photographer on Fiverr - Suger Coat It

Can I make money as a photographer on Fiverr? {Part 1}

The videos pop up on YouTube all the time, twenty-somethings making tens of thousands of dollars a month online. When you dive a little further, you’ll find a few main ways they do this. But the one that grabbed my attention (first) was Fiverr. I knew of the site,...

Learning to embrace procrastination - Suger Coat It

I’m learning to embrace procrastination

I've displaced myself again. As I mentioned in the email on the weekend, I'm having the floor of my office and the adjoining patio fished with epoxy. So, that meant time to pack it all up again. Which is, I have to say, a pretty smooth process these days. Changing...

What time off social media taught me about what's next for me - Suger Coat It

Taking a social media break helped me figure myself out

Over the last month, on my social media break (as much as work allows), I've noticed a few things. Things about my life that I completely missed in the non-stop app switch that is social media. Firstly, I'm not very satisfied with my life. I keep looking for...

Ways to make your blog reader friendly - Suger Coat It

Five things that make your blog reader friendly

I read somewhere on Facebook this week that list posts are passé. Done. Over. It turns out that I didn't get the memo because I LOVE to write the darn things. List posts help me corral my thoughts and line them up in neat little rows for you all, which is virtually...

Why I'm all about living more and working less - Suger Coat It

Why I’m all about living more and working less

When I say that I'm all about working less and living more, what does that mean to you? Books such as the 4-hour workweek springs to mind or every single clickbait online ad for making money while you sleep. There is a multitude of different things that could be coming to mind for you. But for me, it's about buying back my time. For what, you might ask? For freedom, thanks. 

How-to blog like… The Curvy Fashionista

How-to blog like… The Curvy Fashionista

Now, are you ready for THIS jelly? We have gone to the top. The Curvy Fashionista is a resource for plus size women on the internet and it all started with a blog. This blog turned brand and one of THE places to turn on the interwebs for all things plus size news,...

Have you ever considered a personal uniform?

Have you ever considered a personal uniform?

The busy people of the world swear by it, but have you ever considered implementing a personal uniform? You know, wearing the same combination of items day in and day out, Mark Zuckerberg style. But it's not just Mark! Entrepreneurs such as Apple's Steve Jobs, I Quit...

How to make money on your blog

How to make money on your blog

When it comes to blogging there is only ever three questions I get asked. The one that this post centres around is how do you make money on your blog? Especially since at various stages throughout my career it's been my full-time job. I don't blame anyone for asking...

Influence, what does that even mean?

Influence, what does that even mean?

Recently, my local newspaper compiled a list of our town’s 30 most influential people. I did not make this list. What am I even doing with my life…? I’ll be sobbing in my flat white for days. Did you pick up the sarcasm? You did. Good. I’d link to the post so you can read the comments, but well, no links for them and their click bait article. #sorrynotsorry 

BUT, it got me thinking about influence. What makes someone influential? There are entire industries based around influencers why then, can’t we measure it with any real clarity? What IS influence and who gets to decide what is influential? Glad you asked. Here are my thoughts on the whole thing.

How-to get people to read your blog

How-to get people to read your blog

How to get people to read your blog? Interesting question. Certainly not one I'm a total expert in. There are still times when I ask myself how the heck I encourage more people to read MY blog. Who doesn't right? Bloggers dream of a large engaged community of people...

How I started blogging

How I started blogging

I've been blogging for almost a decade. Yup, that long. But have you ever wondered how I started blogging? If you have, today is your lucky day. I made a video talking about how I started my blog and some of the things I've done along the way. It was fun to take a...

How to blog like Kellie B of And I Get Dressed

How to blog like Kellie B of And I Get Dressed

Kellie Brown of And I Get Dressed is easily one of THE most stylish bloggers in the universe. My universe anyway. And the plus-size fashion universe, definitely. So, don't miss this episode as we check out Kellie's blog, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube for...

How to blog like Nicolette Mason {video}

How to blog like Nicolette Mason {video}

I guess you're here because you want to blog like Nicolette Mason, right? I hear you. That's why I'm kicking off my new YouTube series, 'how to blog like...' the top five things you can do to blog like Nicolette Mason. She's pretty darn fabulous! We are going to dive...

Why do I blog after all this time?

Why do I blog after all this time?

Later this year, which is flying by at an unreasonable rate, my blog will turn 8 years old. EIGHT. Eight years of words and pictures, stories and challenges. I've seen a lot of bloggers come and go in my time. Loads of changes to the way things are done and even the...

A blog, a community and wondering where people went…

A blog, a community and wondering where people went…

This blog turns eight this year. I know, times flies when you're having fun. And in those eight years, I've seen all kinds of ups and downs and changes in the blog community. In some ways, I feel like I've had my personal stamp on some of those changes. I was part of...

ready to make money online?

sharing what I've learned in the last decade of earning a living online through blogging, content creation and more

blogging resources + other useful stuff!

blogging resources + other useful stuff!

can i make money as a photographer on fiverr?

can i make money as a photographer on fiverr?

starting a blog

how to start a blog; according to me

how to make money on your blog

how to make money on your blog

Skimlinks Test