I guess you’re here because you want to blog like Nicolette Mason, right? I hear you. That’s why I’m kicking off my new YouTube series, ‘how to blog like…’ the top five things you can do to blog like Nicolette Mason. She’s pretty darn fabulous!

We are going to dive into her social media channels, I’ll provide the commentary, for ways to improve your blog. Nicolette Mason is a blogger I’ve admired since I first started blogging. Around the time I discovered her, she secured a column in Marie Clarie magazine. I felt like, WOW, that’s so not something I thought a fat girl could do. Let that sink in for a moment; it’s a pretty massive realisation. The possibilities are endless.

From there I, in a fan-girl-esque fashion, have followed her career closely. From her days as a brunette, through her wedding and on to her launch of her clothing line, Premme. And now, she’s being featured (again) on this blog. That’s how you know you’ve made it, right? Forget fashion week. Pffft. Haha.

Let me say one thing; this isn’t about copying Nicolette’s style or branding. If you do that, I’ll put you in the naughty corner. In this video, I talk about what makes her one of the best. It’s about the tips you can focus on to improve your blog. If you have any questions, want me to clarify anything I’ve said, leave it in the comments. To be clear, all the opinions expressed in this video are mine, I didn’t have access to Nicolette to discuss them nor did she approve this video in any way. I’m just a fan, trying to blog better. Disclaimers aside, let’s begin!

How to blog like Nicolette Mason!


Thumbnail photo by Lydia Hudgens

Want to see your favourite blogger featured? That’s simple. Tell me who they are in the comments 9here or on YouTube) and I’ll start making a list. Coming up next, we check out the blogging style of Kellie B of And I get dressed. Can’t wait!