My cousin was married this weekend in the beautiful Sunshine Coast Hinterland on top of a mountain overlooking all the things. It was gorgeous, perfect in every way a wedding can be and most of all it was COLD. Brrrrr. The wind was chilly, the evening settled in and we were practically in the clouds {easily a kilometer or two above the lookout points}.

I’d chosen my wedding outfit wisely. I wanted simple but chic. I wanted to be comfortable and uncrushable during the 1 hour car trip but still fit the semi-formal theme. Plus I had planned for later when I knew I’d need a jacket to stay warm. I’d committed to laying WAY off the booze lately wouldn’t be partaking in more than a celebratory champagne to toast with so not inbuilt warmth to be had there.

In the end I was very happy indeed. This outfit came to me in a flash as I lay awake planning, as I do, a couple of nights before. All of a sudden I knew what I wanted to wear and crossed my fingers it would work. It did. I loved my outfit, perfect parts dressy, part romantic {it was a wedding}and part me. What do you think?

modern wedding outfit plus-size-2 modern wedding outfit plus-size-1 modern wedding outfit plus-size-4 modern wedding outfit plus-size-5 modern wedding outfit plus-size-3 modern wedding outfit plus-size-6 modern wedding outfit plus-size-7

And then with the wind blowing a gale, my hair flying everywhere it was time to add my 17 Sundays jacket, let my hair down and join 50 of my cousin’s nearest and dearest for a celebration. After the obligatory bar waiting time had passed, of course. It was a stunning afternoon with a sunset that this sunset collector could only dream of. Beautiful. If I was getting married {in Australia} again, I’d head up the hill to Flaxton Gardens. It’s gorgeous. Now the details on what I was wearing…

Bodysuit – ASOS Curve via Curvy Cartel
Tulle Skirt – ASOS Curve via Curvy Cartel
Shoes – Emerson for BigW {in store now}
Take Me Away Denim Jacket – 17 Sundays {Size 22 – gifted}
Bag – No idea, maybe Colette ages ago?


plus size winter wedding guest outfit 01


And then my friends it was time to party. I stuck to my plan of only drinking a champagne or two during the toasts and had THE BEST time. I was seated with some ladies the bride and I went to school or played hockey with as teenagers and we laughed the night away. Bambi, the photographer, who had photographed our wedding grabbed a spare seat at our table too. It was awesome.

Then there was cousin catch ups, chats and some dancing. Though when you are not keeping up with the crowd drinks wise, I noticed, your dances moves {shuffle} pale in comparison to the lifts, twirls and Irish jigs that were going down. I laughed. Hard. Because let’s face it, usually that’s me.

Was it a great wedding? Yes sir it was. Wonderful.

{And it’s made me excited for Liv’s wedding next month. Yaaaay!}