This weekend I’ve been writing an epic post about the internet and teenagers, my opinion of the things they need to know with a side order or reminiscing of all things me as a teen. Ahhh teenage Melissa, what a strange bird she was. A strange combination of insecure and over-confident, strong and weak, loving and hateful. My teenage-self made some mistakes, for sure. Ones that occasionally flashback as a reminder that when you know better, you do better.
As I wrote that post, I forgave those mistakes I had made a little more. Being a teenager is hard work and knowing how to navigate it all is near on impossible. Having those cringe-worthy times are what makes being an adult bearable. I like to think I’m way less embarrassing now. Well, I like to think I am. I’m probably not. But I look before I leap and think before I speak, so that’s a win.
Do you know what I thought has to be the hardest, most frustrating thing about teenagers? When you are one, you feel and act like you’re the only one that has ever existed ever. It makes it almost impossible to tell them anything. I was acutely aware of this as I write my post. How do you say ‘yeah, I know I’m old, but it’s the same, different but the same’? Maybe it was just me.
I liked to think I was the best driver ever. The smartest person ever who only needed to do assignments at the very last-minute. I was cruel because it made me feel better about myself. I trusted no one; not really anyway, and especially not myself. I’m not sure I did being a teenager any better or worse than anyone else, but let me tell you, I wouldn’t do it again for quids.
So I’ll leave you with that random pondering about teenagers, me as a teenager and randomness. Got anything cringe-worthy to report from when you were a teenager?
Hi! I’m Melissa Walker Horn. Around here, they call me Suger. I’m the Chief Blogger and doer of all the things here at Suger Coat It. Blogging since 1901; I love a casual ootd, taking photos, and writing about things that irk or inspire me. I love wine and cheese, long days at the beach and spending time with my family. I make stuff for the internet over at Chalkboard Digital. You know, living the sweet life.
Seeing where I was when I was a teenager and having two (My daughter is 18 and a freshman in college and My son is 17 and a senior in high school), is that all the pressure that is on them. It is amazing that they (we) make it out. I always tell my two that life gets better when you get older but they are so wrapped up in the little drama’s on the age that they to trees to see the beauty of the whole forest.
It really is amazing that anyone survives their teens. It’s a rock and rolling ride into adulthood, that’s for sure. If only I’d listened when people had told me exactly that when I was a teen.
I was thinking the other day about how much music effects you when you were teenager. You’d hear a song and suddenly it consumed you and you’d listen to hundreds of times a day. It’d be like the singer knew what you were feeling or had opened your mind to something you’d never considered before.
I have music I like now but it’s never the same, that obsessive feeling that is almost like being in love.
Yes, its so very all consuming to be a teenager and music is a massive part of that. I think that’s why your style and choice of music don’t change that much (for most of us) when you grow up, it’s because your heart and soul are wrapped around your first music loves.