Today I’m going to talk about my style. Or what it is that I’ve come to define as my style. I think if you’ve followed along with this blog for a little while a really clear idea of what I like and don’t like has formed. What can I say, I found my happily ever after (for now) and I’m sticking to it.

To continue to metaphor, as far as what I wear I’ve kissed a lot of style frogs. And I was making out with them hard before I found the one. The look that suits you, that you love and that expresses who you are. Casual, slouchy, comfortable and a little bit sporty are the things I love. You can’t get me out of ankle boots and I almost entirely refuse to wear floral. I’m a girl who knows what she likes.

And that’s it. 

That’s the key to your personal style. 

Wear what you like, find things that you love to wear, are happy and confident wearing, and wear them. When people say that you shouldn’t wear ankle boots with your chunky calves, you can nod and smile and politely tell ask them “who says?” if you’re confident. If you’re happy, the need to make someone else happy lessens. You know, unless that person actually matters.

And to think, all I really wanted to do in this post is point out how much I love this dress, the print the style, all the things, and I’ve gone off in a style based ‘this is how you do it’ type lecture. Haha. Sorry about that. Back to the outfit. Cool, right?

Wearing 17 Sundays Crying Lightening Dress and Ankle Boots from Autograph Fashion.