All images sourced with thanks from, and


I noticed lately a few of my outfit photos ending up on what to wear to go out, to party, for a bbq with friends type boards and I thought to myself, DERRRRR, write a post on that Suger. A steal her style post, of course. A lot of plus-size ladies are looking for a style that will make them look a million bucks so they can party like it’s 1999. Right?

Because if you grow up bigger than everyone else whether that be taller or fatter you can tend to shy away from party style. I did and I had a pretty good run of it. Heck even if you are different it can mean you don’t really have a look. A style for going out. Maybe some of you as teenagers found it really difficult to fit in never mind having to worry about parties and what to wear. We are going to sort you out, don’t you worry. But first let’s talk about me. HA. I’m so glad you asked.

Me? Well I had Amazonian friends. Haha. Let’s take a little detour shall we and talk about my high school friends. There were three of us that were around 6 foot tall. Athletic girls. I imagine we were a rather intimidating bunch. And you know what, we couldn’t have cared less.

I think about those girls sometimes and say a quiet thank you for them. Without them I would have felt all alone, like some kind of giant freak. Even with them it happened often enough. But with those girls by my side I realised young that there were women shaped like me, some bigger and some smaller and that in the end no one really cared because they were worried about themselves. Do you hear me when I say that?

Side note over, let’s talk party style.

There are a couple of key looks when you are looking to party they are the house party/casual event, ladies night and the dance until dawn/let’s go out style. If you have an outfit for each you will pretty much be set no matter the occasion. Some are dressier than others, obviously, but you could really make any of the three work for any occasion by dressing it up or down a little.

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House Party

Comfy, casual and just a little bit of your own personal level of glam. The first time I went to a house party I wore jeans and a t-shirt and kicked off my shoes as I walked in. The next time it was more of a shoes on, mingle like you would at a pub sort of thing. So gauge your level of dress and go from there. For me it’s always about being comfortable, being prepared for anything that may happen and expressing your style in an easy, casual way.

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Dance ’til Dawn

For me heading out to the clubs or even the casino is about getting your glam stuff out. Wearing something that’s fun and flirty and free. Easy of movement helps too. I know some women prefer pants, my tip is to glam them up with a killer accessory like Gabi has in these photos. Heels not your thing? Well suck it up princess. Naaah, just kidding, try ankle boots or wedges to add a certain level of comfort to being on your feet all night. The main tip here is to have fun, enjoying dressing up with your people and heading out to enjoy yourself.

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Ladies Night

I don’t know about you but for me it feels like when I go out with the ladies, just us for dinner or a few drinks, I can wear whatever I like, maybe even be a little daring. And I almost always wear heels. Pops of colour, that giant tulle skirt you’ve been eyeing off in your wardrobe for forever… Whatever it is I like to think that when surrounded by my ladies I can take a fashion risk or two. So whether it’s jeans or a dress make it all about you and wear what you love. Go bright, go bold and most of all go prepared for anything.

There we go my plus-sized lady friends. I hope you find something you love or have some tips to dressing up when it comes time to party. Because life’s too short, right? You should be out there, enjoying yourself, those you love and life in general. No more excuses. Go for it.