Much like Santa I’ve been making a list these past few weeks. Making a list and checking it twice. Preparing and writing my little heart out. Short sweet bite sized offerings ready to deliver to your inbox daily. I’m proud of what I’m going to be sending out there. It’s actually really beautiful at the same time as practical. I’m a proud, proud Mumma, let me tell you.

That said my list of ideas is looking a little thin on the ground and I want to start preparing a second month. So tell me, what are you dealing with at the moment? Is there a topic you’d like to see covered in the daily or on the blog. Something related to confidence, planning, motivation or just living well? Leave a comment or shoot me an email if you’re shy, I’ll add it to the list! Okay great. Moving on.

So folks, this is your last chance to get subscribed before it starts. Sure you can subscribe any time, but you’ll pick up were we are at and I don’t want you to miss out. The first email goes out at 7am tomorrow {for some reason} and then they’ll be 6am every morning after that. My time. Queensland time. Normal people time. Haha. So if you don’t have it by then something has gone wrong. Uh huh! Make sure you’ve confirmed your subscription and email me so I can forward it on to you.

So are you ready!? Really really REALLY ready? I am. Let’s do this thing!