After I had my hair done on Thursday we were lounging around home when it occurred to me, hair this great shouldn’t be left at home! No one leaves baby in the corner, right? So I put together my stuff for next week’s Aussie Curves theme {double take: one item, two ways} and at the last-minute threw in some clothes so we could grab dinner. Triple outfit win!

Yup. This one and two more for the double take on Monday.

Gosh. I’m so organised it hurts. Loving blogging at the moment. That happens for me sometimes. I get on a roll and posts just pour out of me. It’s a nice change from the wandering around the house sighing because there’s nothing to write about. BUT this post isn’t meant to be about blogging, it’s meant to be about date night. And maybe even the fact I should have ironed my shirt. Whoops. 

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This time of year when it doesn’t really start to get dark until after 7pm it’s easy for us to fit a lot into the afternoons. Seriously. Summer is my favourite for laying around the backyard talking about the week with Hubby. We drive around enjoying the air con or windows down and wind in MY hair, he’s bald. Early dinners and home for some bad tv is our favourite. We are REALLY cool like that.

Summer though means that it’s HOT around here. Choosing outfits that you aren’t going to suffer from heat exhaustion in is ESSENTIAL. I’ve lived in these light and easy patterned pants this year. Add a singlet or t-shirt and I’m good to go. The chambray shirt is a recent addition. I picked it up in a closet clear out sale and it’s a size bigger than I would normally buy {maybe two} BUT that makes it super easy and breezy to wear. Such a win.

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Chambray Shirt – 17 Sundays {similar}
Patterned Floral Pants – ASOS Curve {similar’ish}
Tan Sandals – Target Australia {gifted – similar}


Light, loose clothing is SUCH a summer win, don’t you think?


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