qt gold coast problogger events 2013-34

So I’ve been to #PBevent before. You knew that, of course. It’s a fine alumni club it is the ProBlogger Training Event graduates. Some of us go year in and year out. We soak up the good times with friends and the occasional expert speaker and return to our dark corners to continue to, alone, write our blogs for the people of the interwebs.

For me, each year requires a wrap up of sorts. A way for me to put into words what I’ve taken away from the weekend before the pages of notes flies out of my brain, lost forever. Some of them are serious reflections on this thing we do. Others are somewhat instructional (if you count telling people what to wear as instructional). And where are these magical, mystical posts of ProBlogger style awesomeness?

They are right here, of course.

ProBlogger Training Event posts I prepared earlier!


Enjoy the post folks and if you’re heading to the event (or happen to be stalking the Royal Pines later next week), I’ll see you there. Can’t wait. I’ve already pretty much, almost packed. Woo.