I’m the sort of person that has work clothes, casual clothes and very little outside of that. Party clothes? Pffft, hardly. What even ARE party clothes, right? I don’t get out much. What’s the point? Simply put, some of these items are going to solve that whole, what to wear dilemma next time you head out. Without the fuss. Without the Spanx. And absolutely without feeling like the only grandma at prom.

Did you notice spell check gave Spanx a capital? What’s that about? Like undies that suck your guts into your spine are worthy of a capital. Gosh. Priorities, spell check. I can’t even deal with that conversation right now. you’ve heard about Suger’s war on shapewear, right? Okay, moving on. 

This past weekend my baby sister had a birthday and there was a busload of antics to follow {you can see all the action in my first Vlog ever on YouTube}. The theme was white with a heaping helping of glitter thrown in. That’s when the what the heck do I wear to this thing panic set in. I have white dresses. Sure. Probably more than the average woman, it became a bit of an obsession last year. BUT did I have anything I could ‘go out’ in? Party clothes!? Not really.

It got me thinking. I can’t be the only one who looks at their wardrobe when something special comes up and just sighs. Weddings, parties, events… Heck, even a night at the clubs dancing. Some people have the wardrobe for such things, and some don’t. Today I decided I’d help you out with a few items that you could incorporate to build an impressive, instantaneous party wardrobe.

Who’s ready for some plus size party clothes?

where to buy plus size - suger coat it

Where to buy plus size party and going out clothes - Suger Coat It

One ASOS Curve Sliced Kimono Dress | Two City Chic Whimsy Lace Dress | Three City Chic Lady Portia Dress
Four Missguided Satin Wide Leg Pants {three colours} | Five City Chic Tango Dress | Six Missguided Nude Velvet Dress
Seven Boohoo Velevt Rouched Side Dress | Eight Crinkle Missguided Metallic Dress | Nine Missguided Black Corset Dress
Ten ASOS Curve Wrap Jumpsuit | Eleven Club L Lace Top | Twelve ASOS Curve Frill Sleeve Tunic| Thirteen Boohoo Sheer Panelled Dress {similarish}

where to buy plus size - suger coat it

There you go, ladies! Time to pull on some party clothes and get out there. I mean, I hate to say it, but the festive season really isn’t that far away. If I could be guaranteed of air con everywhere I went, those maroon velvet pants would be coming home with me, guaranteed! Which piece is your favourite?