When I share photos on this blog, I try to do so in a way that is without altering them too much. I want them to be real. My outfit photos, in particular, are a process of taking over 50 photos with Mr Suger at the helm to select 8 or so that are selected to be edited to go on the blog. We often crop out unfortunate things or wade through the most awkward situations, all in the name of getting a decent photo.

The not everything is as it seems factor was stepped up a notch this week when we met up with our wedding photographer. Our plan to get some updated family photos with Bambi of Photography by Bambi was hatched a few months ago. It had been nine years since our last shoot. So, with a brief of something a little more urban, please, no couple in the long grass photos.

Our first stop in the photo adventure ended up being our last. Mr Suger maintains an old building through his business, so we let ourselves in the back, back way. Inside we found a wonderland of backgrounds, peeling paint, exposed brick, smashed walls and, well, giant piles of pigeon poo. Deserted for many years, the pigeons had made the huge old buildings and enclosed courtyards home.

We laughed as Bambi snapped photos with beautiful natural light while we balanced carefully to avoid stepping into literal mounds of poo the length of the building. With a small phobia of birds, we joked that my brother would hate this place as they flapped about over our heads. Eeek! Mr Suger hatched a plan to lure him back to freak him out. I shook my head but knew my sister Amanda Claire and Dean’s wife Jess would love it.

Moving from window to window, doorway to doorway as Bambi spotted another shaft of light. I was testing a board to see if it would hold my weight when I stood on a nail. Seriously! It went straight through my boot and BETWEEN my toes. You wouldn’t read about it. It didn’t even nick the skin. Thank goodness! Tetanus shots are a total mood killer. All I could think the rest of the time was missed it by THIIIIIIS much! Phew. We posed at that window with feet carefully planted to avoid another accident. Behind the scenes drama, for sure!

Finally, on our way out, Bambi and I discussed how the building would make an awesome venue or new studio for her, and she asked me to stop in a piece of dappled light. I turned my face, we posed me up, and she snapped away. Then, flicking to look quickly at the back of her camera, she said, ‘oh, they look good.. WAIT, is that a dick and balls on the wall behind you!?.”

I turned, squinted into the semi-darkness and sure enough, on the wall in almost the same coloured paint as the wall was a dick and balls. I should say penis to be a little more sensitive, but this was an urban photoshoot, so dick it is. Haha. We laughed even more as I turned to the opposing wall and spotted a few choice words, including the c-bomb! Eeep.

Background fail, Bambi said, HUGE background fail. Shaking her head, muttering that she really liked those ones. What a bummer. I laughed and said, no way, I want that one for the blog. The people on the blog looooove this kind of thing and always appreciate a good dick and balls story. Haha. No way, she said. I nodded and said, err YES WAY! We wrapped up shortly after as clouds formed and covered the sky.

Then as the sneak peeks came through, it made me smile. As predicted, they were beautiful images, with perfectly captured light and a real feel for the fun mood of the afternoon. Sure from looking at them, you would never tell the whole story of what happened behind the scenes, but they would always do that for us. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but everything is not always as it seems…


Well, unless you count the one at the top, it absolutely does its best at being everything it seems and a little bit more! Haha. And now for some of the other sneak peeks… 


Our shoes us by Bambi of Photography by Bambi us by Bambi of Photography by Bambi


Awesome, right?

You can find Bambi on her website or Facebook.