Well, like the title says, I feel like this outfit is a little bit dress up. Who from their 90’s childhood doesn’t remember overalls, overall-dresses and all that jazz? I know I do. So this is the outfit where I dress up like an extra from 90s TV. Haha. And you know the best part about it? I can.

I can do what I want while wearing a size 22/24*.

And the first time this look came around (in my lifetime) I couldn’t wear it. I was a 14/16 and that was the top end of the standard sizing. Throw in a long torso and well, I was up shit creek without an overall in site. And that’s the thing, right? These days thanks to the internet and a wee  bit of diversity in the bodies being represented by fashion types, plus women get to wear whatever their heart desires.

I think of teenage me and her obsession with snap side ADIDAS track pants (my husband still wears those pants!) and all things sporty spice (later to become a beach babe version akin to baby spice with a tan, gag). I think of the cycles of disordered eating and mania driven over exercising and I think, maybe some overalls would have helped. Maybe she would’ve felt that little more acceptable if she could fit in. Less peasant skirts, less shopping in the men’s section, less limitations in general.

Everyone wants to fit in, right?

But thanks to that I learnt my lessons young and I learnt them hard. I wasn’t going to be the same as everyone else, so I sure as heck better figure out how I was going to be me. I shook off the ideas I’d formed early on about what I should and shouldn’t be and started to decide for myself. The problem was that I still didn’t have anywhere to buy those clothes that I WANTED to wear. There was never anything I wanted available when I wanted it.

Then at 20 something, I found ASOS. And bless that website, the rest is history. Next came plus blogging (read that post if you want to know how that happened), Facebook, Instagram, eBooks and Style Challenges… All the things. Until now, when I can stand in front of my (again ridiculously overfilled) wardrobe and say, who do I want to be today? What do I want to wear? Not, what fits? What would be appropriate? What can I hide or cover?

There’s freedom in that ladies and gents. I see the conversations around me every day. The things women talk about and berate themselves and others about. The conversation about size and shape and age and who is doing right and wrong and everything in between. My aim is for you to have some fun with fashion. Wear something that makes you laugh, smile, feel like the head boss of boss-town. Whatever.

And you might as well, we’ve never had it this good. And tomorrow, all going to plan, is going to be even better. Get on board. Show your teenage you some love. Let her take over the show and see what shows up. Who cares? Have fun. I highly recommend skirts that are (too? meh) short and sneakers that are white for that. Haha. But then, of course I would.

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*Regular visitors will note this (my size) has increased a little. Whoops. Being totally accountable and all that, it doesn’t really work for me actually. I started this summer soooo unfit it’s not funny. Many near drownings at the pool since have whipped that a little bit into shape. But it’s like I’ve said time and time again. You have to invest this time in your health and well-being. Only you know how and when you body feels good to live in. I highly recommend getting yours moving if it hasn’t been. 

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Crop – Missguided, Overall Dress {similar’ish} – City Chic, Sneakers – Converse.

What your ideal 90’s outfit? Did you have a similar experience growing up? You know ASOS right?