Um yeah, they ARE flares. Killer, right? We might as well kick plus size jeans week off with a killer pair of flares and a fucker tee. I’m going to get to the flares, I promise I am, but I also need to talk about why it was SO important for me to wear this Be Polite You Fucker tee today. And I know you want to hear THAT story. Haha.

Well, well, well. It’s been an interesting few days for me. I launched myself into a conversation for body shaming and found my Facebook page front and centre in a discussion for women, against women and with so many shades of grey opinions that I wore myself out. Deleting and banning troll fuckers took up a good part of my Friday night.

And I’m ok with that.

Often, I wish I were in a position to speak up for those in our community who are suffering. Not just women or those who find themselves on the outskirts of what society calls beautiful, but for the real issues. The big ones. I see the things happening in the world, and I get so annoyed. So frustrated. So pissed off.

I want to shake people who form their opinion of things on Facebook and fail to do any research into what it is they are backing. I want to cry at the injustice and horrors committed in the name of right.

I just can’t even.

And that from my position of privilege, I have to acknowledge that. No one has ever looked at me and assumed things that I believe make me unwelcome here, that I’m going to make them unsafe or destroy their (apparently) perilously perched life by just being myself. I know the struggle of women, but only from the safest of positions.

I stand behind those who need me more now than ever. I want to be the change we NEED to see in this world. Be polite you fucker indeed. Sometimes I just want to scream be polite you fucker. And I’m sure I’m not alone in that. I know you guys, you’re hurt and frustrated too. Let’s all find the courage to speak out more, ok? Be brave and share more. Fuck them, those fuckers.

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Now about these flares. There’s actually not too much to say really. Apparently, I had more to say about the other issue. These flares are an exaggerated boot cut with a high waist and double button feature, lots of stretch and a fit like no one’s business and they’re from beme. On their website they call them a bootcut but for me, the ankle is wide enough to be a flare, for sure. I love the curve and fit that they give after so long in skinny jeans or slouchy joggers.

And you know what they say? A change is as good as a holiday.

Wearing Be Polite You Fucker Tee by Rebel Soul Collective (XL), beme bootcut jeans (or try these flare flares) and Target heels.

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So, jeans week is off and running with a rant and an up yours to those online jerks with fake facts who scream panic from the hilltops… What a start! Tomorrow, we talk boyfriend jeans. Are you ready for that?