suger coat it-2

Confident You started as a post series idea to help people increase, even if a teeny tiny bit, the amount of confidence they have in a short and snappy 28 day format. You know the whole 28 days to change a habit thing? Well that. From there there content just arrived time after time after time. An eBook was suggested and became a mammoth task choosing what to include, not include and what new content to add.

And each time I would share or write it was a personal challenge, I’d tackle those old lessons again. As I wrote about how to feel good in your own skin, to confidently handle you body and well-being I felt exposed and judged. It called into the present the very feelings I was writing about. And it became a personal battle for me.

I hear that happens to other writers too, when you write about lessons learned, sometimes it cements them and sometimes you find yourself relearning them again. Funny how life works. 

So sometimes I stop writing them. I stop tackling the challenges in life head on because I feel like I just can’t face a hurdle like that again. But it’s never for long. Reliving these lessons strengthens them in my gut rather than just a knowing in my head. When someone says ‘how can you be so confident’ I know automatically the answer.

How could I not? I’m a freakin’ miracle.

But it wasn’t always this way. I have used and abused myself and on rare occasion allowed others to do so too. That’s why I wonder about and worry for the young women today. Did anyone tell them about confidence, about body love and pride? I was asked the other day how I came to feel so strongly about teenage girls, their participation online and what they need to know before they make the choices they would inevitably make. A topic I will talk for HOURS about if you let me. Literally.

I don’t know about you but I have been a teenage girl and it was hard work. And that was before life was lived so hugely online, before the pressures of all the internet brings had gained force. But I know, I feel the pressure intensely sometimes myself and barely scrape through with my morals intact as a grown woman. I feel for those girls.

My nieces come to stay with me in the coming weeks and will stay for a few days so we can bond while they are on holidays. So I can look them in the eyes and ask them if they are doing okay, what’s happening and maybe teach them a thing or two about life as I know it. It got me thinking and toying with the idea of writing a short and sweet eBook {with my nieces perhaps} for teenage girls. To empower them to live their lives in this world we live in.

As the words on this page, the ones that make up this post, jump from one thought to another and I hope someone somewhere can pick up what I’m putting down as I start to hatch a plan. A plan for girls, for women and for all those who never had the opportunity to question what it is to be a woman in this world. Those of us who took this step after the other into life not pausing a moment to ask why society is the way it is and why we are the way we are in it.

I want to write something just for them. So I can be heard and they can hear themselves in me. To share that life, love, growing up, reaching for your dreams and protecting yourself while being open is all possible. Because my struggles are your struggles. We share this experience of being female even if our generations and situations change.

I smile and my cold nose crinkles. It’s the wee hours of the morning now, my toes are chilled to the bone through my slippers and my hoodie doesn’t seem to contain my body’s heat like it did earlier. But forget all that, I have a plan. A purpose.

I exhale slowly and decide this post is done. It’s time to sleep. After all there’s a lot to be done tomorrow. Lots to do. Lots to see. Lots to have. I have a plan and it feels like the right one for me. And don’t worry, the original Confident You collection isn’t dead, it’s underway as we speak. Final draft time. Finally.

Would that eBook be of use to you or a girl you know?
What was your greatest challenge growing up? Does it still hang around you now?