I’m writing an article for teenage girls about life, life lessons and confidence. Working with young women to see their value earlier in life is something that I’ve touched on here before. I used to think it was going to be an eBook. That didn’t happen, as I found the task overwhelming. But it turns out it’s still on the universe’s radar for me because it just showed up—an opportunity introduced by a friend to a friend of a friend.
It has me thinking about what I’d say to myself as a teen and what I want to speak to the girls now. Lives lived online in a way this grown-up blogger can only get a taste for understanding. I’ve written enough text for maybe three or four articles, and now I wonder if I was holding back. But the ideas keep coming around my theme for the year.
My theme for the year makes you proud, and I feel like I could stamp it on every post. Want to run further, do it and make yourself proud. Living life and smiling and making yourself proud. Trust your instincts that you are perfect, just as you are. Trust you are intelligent, talented and beautiful in a way that is unique to you. Make yourself proud.
That’s the thing about giving your year a theme; it shows up. For years, I’vee been living my life in a way that at least checks in with those around me for what they think is best. I believe in taking advice from those who have gone before you and not reinventing the wheel. But I’d come to rely on that. Depending on their opinion matching mine, count on having their support.
This year I aim to be respectful but autonomous, independent and all about me. Me, me, me. It’s essential to have a focus, I think. To have an aim for the year and to make plans. Sometimes I wish I’d chosen dirty rich as my motto, but there’s always next year. Haha. I asked on Instagram, and now I’m asking you;
Do you have a theme, a motto or a word for 2013? And how’s that going for you?
Hi! I’m Melissa Walker Horn. Around here, they call me Suger. I’m the Chief Blogger and doer of all the things here at Suger Coat It. Blogging since 1901; I love a casual ootd, taking photos, and writing about things that irk or inspire me. I love wine and cheese, long days at the beach and spending time with my family. I make stuff for the internet over at Chalkboard Digital. You know, living the sweet life.
I think for me .. I haven’t made a theme really… but this year is all about newness, or new beginnings i think. I have a new job, a new place to live. Thought I was going to have a new addition to the family but that didn’t work out as planned. Trying to overcome the difficulties in my everyday life, to gain strength and motivation and better myself. Not going as fast as I would like, but the new job is a step forward 🙂
New is a perfect word for the year. Wishing you all the very best with the balance of the year. I know all about things not working out as planned.
It wasn’t a conscious theme although perhaps subconscious and it seems I’m only noticing it showing up half way through but this year it looks like my motto is to push the boundaries and face my fears. Pleased to say I’m kicking it so far!
AWESOME WORK LADY. I think that’s it, if you don’t create a focus, one shows up. You got lucky, yours is awesome. Luck it wasn’t feel sorry for yourself and stay at home. 😉
I never really thought about having a theme before, but I have been working on improving myself, such as completing a course (just finished it!) and losing weight, changing my look etc. I did find that the goals I made at the beginning of 2013, have fallen to the wayside, so I have decided to renew my resolutions mid-year to help keep me motivated and on track to complete them. I hate making goals and not going through with them and I’ve procrastinated enough over the years! So maybe my theme should be “This is my year!”.
I’m sure it is! Good luck to you with your refocus. I’m sure you’ll nail it.
Mine is “get back to me”. My husband and I separated a couple of months ago and I feel I am an emerging butterfly (at the risk of being horribly cheesy). I’m casting off the labels my husband placed on me and rediscovering who I am. It’s exciting and wonderful and scary and traumatic but I believe by the end of this year I will be something different and better.
I love that. All the best to you Faith. Getting back to who you are will make a difference to how you see everything. Who knows what’s possible then.