So if you’ve been on Instagram this week you would’ve noticed me flogging about my friend Desiree’s Madame Rouge Makeup studio opening this week. I’m super proud of her. A mother of four, movie makeup artist, general cool chick who is dealing with some stuff. She’s busy, short version. And still she makes time to do new and exciting things. I LOVE that. Busy is the biggest, overused excuse out there. Seriously. If you find yourself saying your too busy too often, you need to take a closer look at that! It’s covering up something. I promise you that.

Anyway. I work in an office just above the arcade where her studio is located so it’s been SUPER fun to pop in when I finish work at 1pm. We have coffee, chat and catch up. Yesterday I took my camera and grabbed some photos. I even made her let me grab some photos of her. I’m bossy like that. So here is Desiree, Madame Rouge Makeup herself, and the studio. Fun!

For more information check out Desiree’s blog or Facebook page.