I was all prepared to continue on my merry way wearing black on black with tiny accents all through summer when I was intervened upon. They literally said stop being so darn uncool and wear some colour for goodness sake. I pouted for a while… Whined for even longer. Then decided that why not challenge myself. It’s been a while since my aim was to put together stylish, colourful outfits. So that’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to go bright or go home this summer. Challenge accepted.

One look at my wardrobe tells me I’m in big trouble. Not only do I not have a lot of colour in there, but there is very little print either. Need a plain black or white t-shirt though and I’m your girl. It might take a little rebuilding, but I can do that. I’m committed to adding only items that are light and bright in the coming months and maybe even weeding out some of the black. Maybe.

So where the heck am I going to start?

Good question!

Nat from Defined Image has an eBook on incorporating colour and print into your wardrobe. I’m lucky enough to own a copy of all of Nat’s eBooks thanks to her generosity during the Fashion Anarchy post series. So I’m going to go back to that eBook and relearn some tricks and ideas to amp up the colour factor in my wardrobe. Print is something I’m very interested in too.

Then I’m going to flick through a few magazines, hit up Pinterest, and a few blogs then start to form an idea of what a light and bright wardrobe even looks like on me. I know I always emphasise this as a way to develop a style. But I do that because it works. It’s not about taking someone else’s look and copying it, it’s about starting to work out what you like and what works for you and the look you are going for. That is what makes it personal style.

Wish me luck Sugers. Are you adding colour to your wardrobe this summer? How do you plan to do it?