Meet Tess of Success Undressed who has a #cheesesuccess hashtag on Instagram, join in!

Now I don’t know about you, but I’m a wine and cheese platter kind of girl. I’m assuming if you hang around here with me, maybe you are too. You are, right? I knew it. All the best people are, even if there’s no wine, just cheese.If you’re here, maybe you want to up-skill your platter game? Let’s talk cheese platters, shall we?

How to cheese platter like a pro!

Have a signature style

Everyone thinks they’re a platter superstar (you know who you are!) and that their platter cannot be rivalled. We all like what we like and have our signature style about it. I love that. That’s platter rule number one for me. Have your signature style.

Be flexible

But rule number two is that you have to be flexible. My favourite thing to add to a platter now is roasted asparagus and other veggies. I picked this up from a friend who loves to turn her platters into a meal. Sometimes I’m into fruit and nuts, sometimes it’s more antipasti and vegetables.

Start with the cheese

Rule number three, start with the cheese. I know, it’s a cheese platter, that’s obvious, right? But you’d be surprised how easy it is to get distracted by everything else and end up with cheese being a bit of an afterthought. I like to choose two or three great cheeses (a hard, a soft and a spare) to set the tone for the platter.


Be generous

When it comes to filling your platter, the plate or even the table (like the team at Table and Plate – then you want to be generous. That’s rule number four. Be generous in your servings and accompaniments. Add the largest wedge of cheese you can get. For me, the platter is about abundance and sharing, so don’t get stingy.

All occasions are platter occasions

And finally, in what turned out to be a ‘rules’ post, rule FIVE is that there’s never an occasion that doesn’t deserve a cheese platter. Dinner for two? Cheese. Gathering with friends? Cheese. Struggling with something and need a mastermind? Yup, cheese will help.


Okay team, do you have a cheese platter hot tip! This blog is sorely missing comments these days (I think we talk on Facebook mostly) so to get us back in the habit pleeeease share with me below what your number one cheese platter tip is. And if I know Vanessa, that’s going to be MORE CHEESE, less other crap. Haha.