Today was the day my leave for the summer ended. The final day to do as I please completely. Today signalled the end of it all. Seriously the heartbreak of it. The soon to be post holiday blues descended early and with a little back strain mid-morning I was laid up feeling sorry for myself the entire day. Thank goodness for movies. Tomorrow I return to my job {errr part-time as it is!} and there’s nothing like summer to make you dream of returning to your retirement. I was retired once. Did you know that? It was a magical time.

Anywaaaays. These post holiday blues got me thinking about the holiday hangover. The extra kilograms around your middle, the strange recurrence of cellulite on my thighs as the muscle goes on leave and the general feeling of blah. It occurs to me that I’m suffering from a holiday hangover. Too much booze, food, lazing and indulgence. I’ve indulged every single whim I’ve had the past three weeks. And it shows. I dreamt the other night of a green juice. Seriously. It was frosty cold with the drip of condensation rolling down the side and looked very very inviting. You know it’s been too much when you dream of green juice and don’t have the will to blog about it until days later.

That’s it isn’t it. Like any other hangover it sucks the will to do anything from your bones. No will to write, to dress up, to do anything but lay wet from a shower in an air-conditioned room to escape the heat. Watching your stomach rise and fall in front of you as you breathe in a manner that shouldn’t be possible until you’re supremely pregnant. A holiday hangover leaves you with no energy, no drive and certainly no goodwill to your fellow-man. Gee whiz I’m grouchy. I’m an emotional wreck. Crap food, almost no activity and bad sleep patterns will do that to you.

Well they do it to me anyway.

So wish me luck. Lots of it. Because I know what comes next. Next comes the clean out, the return to the gym and pool, the return to the kitchen. And for no other reason than I want my life back. My mental health, my shape and my energy. Man I hate this sluggish slug I’ve become. When will I learn? What year will it be that I don’t carry on like this? Someone remind me next year would you?

Let the holiday blues be gone, replaced by something green I’m sure. Onwards folks. Onwards.

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