As those who follow me on Instagram, perhaps even Facebook, will have seen over the past couple of weeks I have been trialling the brand spanking new Little Moments app by Chantelle at Fat Mum Slim. I consider this lady a friend so my review is probably unintentionally, unavoidably biased. But you know what, if you met Chantelle you’d be biased too. Such a sweetheart.

But seriously, what did I think about the app?

For the review I broke it down into sections because for some of you it will be all about the photo filters and the opportunity to make your own quote cards and for some of you it will be about how it makes it easier to play along with the Fat Mum Slim Photo-A-Day.

Created with Fat Mum Slim Little Moments App.jpg

Created with Fat Mum Slim Little Moments App

Photo a Day

I’m a bit of a shocker when it comes to keeping up with the photo-a-day thing. It wasn’t always the case, for the first 3 or 4 months of the challenge I didn’t miss a day. Then I fell off the wagon and apparently could never drag myself back on. For those of you hoping to play along a little more successfully this app will help. The prompt, the expansion of the prompt and even the way the ‘share’ option can include the prompt description is ALL winning. Short version? Photo-a-Day players are going to pee their pants. I made a collage…

Little Moments App by Fat Mum Slim.jpg


If like me you are a little bit partial to a hazy, dreamy looking photo, a quote card or a filter choice or twenty then the photography side of the app will appeal to you. I’ve talked more about the filters and such below but really the functions of this app are smooth and easy to use. There wasn’t a thing that I came across that I thought, errr what is going on HERE!? And we all know that happens sometimes.

PLUS! It’s cute as heck. Look at the screen grabs above, they just sum it up really. It’s a good-looking, easy to use app. The filters appear to all be included in the initial app purchase price of $1.99 and get a range of fonts and stickers like the ‘ta-da!’ above. you can also purchase additional packages with more options opening up the possibilities to pretty much endless. Anyway, check it out and see how you go as you use it. I think you’ll want them, just quietly. I did.


Well, I love it. I was using it in the testing phase before Instagram bought out the adjustments panel {with brighten and all that jazz} so the fact it had THAT alone was a winner. The filters have this dreamy, cloud-like feel to them that I love. Does that make sense? If you’ve seen Chantelle’s photos you’ll know what I mean. The filters {and there are ?? of them} are whimsical and charming. There’s even one called Sugar that we are going to pretend is named after me, okay?

For me, it was awesome to have more options than the same old, same old on Instagram. The ability to reduce the level of filter is awesome and something that was featured in this app before the recent Instagram update occurred. And for me, there’s a good mix of yellow and blue-toned colours. Do you know what I mean by that? The colour tones are yellow {warm} or cool {blue}. I don’t know about you but on Instagram, I find the colours can lean towards the yellow side of things more often than not. It’s nice to have some blue/cold toned options.

Rating? 4/5. I would’ve given it a 5/5 but I’m trying not to be biased. Haha.

OKAY, 5/5!


Little Moments by Fat Mum Slim is due out Friday 27th June 2014.

A direct link to purchase will be updated when available.
App retails for AU$2.49/US$1.99 + add ons if you download them.
iTunes/Apple only at this stage. 

Check out Chantelle’s post giving you the rundown on the app here.

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