I’m not going to lie, I left my run, on the whole getting ready for Christmas thing, too late this year. Since sometime last week I’ve been progressively more stressed that my small-ish hometown won’t have everything I need to be ready for Christmas! That I will be Christmas-less.


But, really, spoiler alert, it all worked out fine.


I donned my finest summer OOTD attire (see below) and hit the shops. Powered by coffee and bad choices, I started checking things off my list like another chubby person we all know and love. Glad I’d at least put the thought into it, I powered through the shops, ponytail flipping about the place, teeth gritted.

My least favourite thing is shopping centres. And people in shopping centres. Which, if you’re trying to pull off a last-minute, get your shit together Christmas, you’re going to see a lot of. I start getting hot and uncomfortable just thinking about all that recycled, warm air that they pump into those places and well… Anxiety, level 1,000.

But I did it. I bailed on the shopping centres pretty quickly (barely out of the car and I was turning back) and shopped small. I was picking up gifts from places that hand-make or select their inventory. I put together little baskets and bundles, and soon my list was entirely checked off. I sourced some seemingly impossible to find Christmas paper (I don’t want to discuss how much I paid) and I was outta there!


There being places with other people.

There being the packed main street and hot interior of my tank-like, hence not parking friendly, vehicle.

There being anywhere that wasn’t my house surrounded by the click and collect groceries I’d purchased and wine I’d ordered weeks and weeks in advance. I have my priorities in order, clearly.


And now, with Christmas Eve upon us, I’m finishing off some work then wrapping some gifts. Later, my family are getting together in a small bus to view the Christmas lights around town. We used to do back when my siblings and I were teenagers that had fallen by the wayside as we got older. (Not for my sister, but for the rest of us).

I can’t wait, to be honest, it feels like the first time in a while that Christmas Eve is something to be really excited about. Usually, we’re travelling, or it is just the two of us and a cheeseboard. Not that there’s anything wrong with either of those things. But it’s nice to be doing something special, something festive; especially after the year that we’ve had.

Here’s hoping you have something to look forward to today, or over the next few days if you celebrate Christmas or any of the holidays that fall around this time of year. I know not all your plans will have worked out, and I’m sorry to hear that, and I hope you find something to mark the occasion. And now, until I see you next, I’m off. Outfit info etc. is below. Love you all, Merry Christmas from Kel and I.


Plus Size Summer Casual Outfit - Suger Coat ItPlus Size Summer Casual Outfit - Suger Coat It Plus Size Summer Casual Outfit - Suger Coat It


what i’m wearing

T-shirt – 17 Sundays BASIC Dolman Tee (more colours available)

Skirt – ASOS Curve Midi Skirt (see more prints + lengths at bottom of their page)

Shoes – Birkenstock Arizona Oiled Leather (Black)

Sunglasses – Quay Australia High Key