Have you ever looked at someone and thought, I wish I had that kind of confidence? Have you ever felt like everyone has confidence figured out but you? Well, team, what would you say if I said confidence looks different on everybody? And not just the body confidence side of things, but the confidence to start tat business, learn something new or stand up for yourself or others. Confidence comes in all shapes and sizes, and there is certainly no one size fits all method of having it.

I know that it can be a hard-fought battle, this whole confidence thing. But taker it from someone with some time spent in the trenches, the wins far outweigh the losses. When you find a way to step into being who you are, instead of worrying about what other people think of you, it’s life-changing. It will literally alter the way you live your life; day-to-day and in the long term.

But that’s not to say that you hit that perfect balance once and you stay there. You won’t. Some days I feel like my anxiety will crush me if I leave the house. While other days I am taken by surprise when someone seems to think that their opinion of me and my choices should matter to me. Because it doesn’t. I run my life, make all the choices (for better or worse) and live with the outcomes of that. Days like the later take a practice of being confident. Small habits and reminders day in and day out.

It takes finding what works for you!


Confidence Looks Different on Everyone - Plus Size Swimwear - Suger Coat It

Confidence Looks Different on Everyone - Plus Size Swimwear - Suger Coat It


Want to start improving your own self-confidence?


My best confidence tip would be to question everything. If you think you shouldn’t wear or do something, ask yourself why? Ask yourself who said so? Who says I can’t live my life exactly as I see fit? Do I care about their opinion? Why do I care? I find that when I continue to question when the limitations I put my myself or the negative conversations I have. Then they start to have less of an impact. I’m free or at least know where the bullshit comes from and can choose for myself. There’s power in knowing what motivates you to do things. It’s the secret to everything.

Then I think that you should fill your life with examples of people who are living life confidently; whether it be through body image and confidence books or social media. Seek out examples of what you want or where you want to be. Not to compare and find yourself lacking, but to inspire you to move forward, soak up their knowledge and keep from reinventing the wheel. Nothing has served me more in this life than curating the content I see on social media. Mute or unfollow accounts that make you feel bad (for whatever reason) or that no longer serves your goals. I know I’d love to have you follow my accounts if you’re willing? Find me at Suger Coat It everywhere, or start with Instagram here.

And stick around, because sharing my story and giving reminders to live life confidently is what this blog is about.


Confidence Looks Different on Everyone - Plus Size Swimwear - Suger Coat It


Confidence Looks Different on Everyone - Plus Size Swimwear - Suger Coat It


wearing confidence swimwear amenia top and bottom (size US20 – custom sizes available at no extra cost, gifted)