If you can even cast your mind back far enough you’ll remember my declaration that my wardrobe NEEDED a clean out. Urgently. So, did I do it, or did I totally flake out and NOT do it? Place your bets ladies and gentlemen, this is the closet clean out update.

Firstly, you know it took me a while. That post was written and the tips to getting it done given months ago! MONTHS and months ago. But I did it. Finally. I culled my wardrobe and I was pretty darn ruthless. Anything that doesn’t fit me now, went. Anything that I hadn’t worn or considered wearing in recent memory, went.

I probably still have more clothes than the average woman, but I’ve come a long way!

I’m excited, actually, this week I’ve managed to wear at least three items I hadn’t worn in months. One dress I last wore last summer! It’s nice to be back in charge, I’ve always known I had an awesome stash of clothes in there somewhere! I knew it. I knew it would be this way before I started. It’s all I hoped it would be and more. Haha.

Why had I waited so long? 

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Why indeed? Like I said in the last newsletter that this closet clean out stood for something. It stood for me saying I’d do something and not doing it. Those things hang over your head and build up after a while. It’s those little things, the ways we let those little lies sneak into our lives that start to erode us.

Are you feeling a little like that? Like life has started to turn into one long list of things you said you would do and haven’t? I hear you. It helps to get them all down on a list, everything from promises to yourself to big life goals, and set some new deadlines. Realistic deadlines.

Achievable deadlines. 

To help you with that, here’s one I prepared earlier. A simple PDF downloadable to-do list to get you back on your feet. To give you the space you need from those lists that pile up in your mind so you can just get started. So go for it! If you read the newsletter, make sure you head to your inbox and find that email, I go into more detail there. Check your spam, I’ve been getting spammed a bit lately. Sigh.

So there you go! One thing off my list, I feel like this is the start of great things heading into 2017. Haha. Go me.