There’s a frustration that comes from seeing an item of clothing on a blogger and not being able to buy it. I get that. BEEN THERE. But the thing is that my wardrobe is something I live out of, I wear the clothes I blog and sometimes there are items in that I purchased YEARS before.
Because that’s the reality, right?
This blog isn’t about having the most up to the minute, new from the post items that the world-wide-web has to offer. It’s about style, personal style and living your life the best you can. And let’s face it, plenty of people spend more than they can afford and that would never sit right with me.
So sometimes, you have to deal with some major reusing. And you know what I know about you guys? You’re more than okay with that. The injection of new items from sponsors or interested brands keeps you up to date, but realistically no one needs an entirely new wardrobe every month.
And that’s why I will always advocate you shopping your wardrobe, a friend’s wardrobe or restyling something you’ve worn a million times. It just makes sense. This outfit, clothing all 17 Sundays, is put together from items that I’ve collected over the past few years. The quilted skirt may be available, possibly, maybe, but the rest are probably long gone from any shop or sale. But come on, it’s all sorts of on-trend. If I do say so myself.
That’ the point team.
Build your wardrobe of GREAT pieces and you’ll never really need to shop again.
Well, unless you want to. Because it’s fun and new stuff is fun.
Anyway, that’s my point.
So, what’s your wardrobe philosophy? New or old, packed or sparse? Budget fashionista or splurge queen?
Hi! I’m Melissa Walker Horn. Around here, they call me Suger. I’m the Chief Blogger and doer of all the things here at Suger Coat It. Blogging since 1901; I love a casual ootd, taking photos, and writing about things that irk or inspire me. I love wine and cheese, long days at the beach and spending time with my family. I make stuff for the internet over at Chalkboard Digital. You know, living the sweet life.
I totally agree with you – I don’t have the budget to keep up with bloggers who have $5000 jackets… plus, they are normally “high” fashion which I don’t generally like but still like to see how they style it. I think, splurge if you know you will wear the ass out of it, or save that cash for something different (like a holiday!) I love that jacket on you!
Oh I hear you, maybe if $5,000 was more like $500 to me, or even $50, then of course I’d mix more high quality items with my usual style. But I’m not going to live beyond my means to be someone I’m not. And let’s face it, I love my basics, I’m not sure I’d ever be that good at high fashion anyway. Each to their own, I suppose.
Totally agree with you! I don’t think high fashion works in many peoples lives but more power if it does! Basics rule… and are far easier to come across lol
Waaaaaaay easier. Haha.
That skirt is da Bomb and you wear it all so very well. I am so with you.. . not everything I wear is new. Most of the bloggers with the new & trendy I follow, get those items for free and the prices do not fit my retired budget but I love to see them rock it.
Thanks Neti! Sometimes I think my wardrobe doesn’t fit my budget too. There’s no way I’d purchase as many clothes as I am sent. And when I do buy, I rarely buy a lot. I think it’s important to buy and wear items you can use for the next goodness knows how long, because that’s sustainable. Plus, style isn’t who has the newest stuff, I’ll always stand by that.
New things are fun! But savings is also fun. I’m with you girl, preach!
Haha. TRUE! So true. 😀
And that’s how I got myself into major credit card debt.. Like thousands major! I want all the things all the time, and would buy them! I’m much better now and am proud to say I’ve paid it all off!
It’s lovely to see you wear things again in different ways, getting the most out of your wardrobe X
It’s so important to be me that even though a lot of my wardrobe was supplemented by gifted or sponsored items, I don’t advocate buying ALL the things. It’s just too much pressure on women that we don’t need. Congrats on paying out that debt hun, it’s a hard lesson to learn (we’ve done it too) but one that you’ll never forget. Great work. x