Tis the season and most of us are running on empty. I know I sure as heck am. Empty means a little too much caffeine for me. A little too much time gazing wistfully at my air-conditioned bedroom longing for a nap. Today I’m buzzed. Today I have written the beginning of some of the best content I’ve ever written for this blog and that makes me happy.
I hadn’t really planned it. To move to more considered posts, but it sort of happened. I was hopped up on long blacks and tapping the keys like a mad woman. The new version of Steal Her Style looks killer. I’ve got one HECK of a New Year’s Eve what to wear guide coming. The Target Christmas Day what to wear guide is coming along nicely. I’ve drafted a post about green juices that is going to make my green friends out here VERY happy.
The funny part is I’m hitting my straps in a time that is notoriously bad for blog traffic. People are busy. Lots of people to see, places to go and all that. That’s not funny, I hear you say, we want your posts to be read by LOADS of people Suger. Gasp. What shall we do. Well my friends {you can probably feel the jitteriness, yes?} thank you for your concern. But I simply don’t care anymore.
Sure I’d love for these beautifully crafted and exciting blog posts {cough, so vain, cough} to go out in the world and be awesome that very moment. Of course. A blogger can dream, right? But the truth is one post does not this blog make. These posts will just be the most recent additions in a wealth of information I’ve stored here. They may not be this year’s best and brightest but they WILL get their time in the sun.
Good posts always do.
So if you’re out there and you are new to this blogging caper. Listen to your old Aunty Suger when I say. Write the good stuff, publish it and send it out there. Don’t worry so much about time of day, schedules and editorial calendars {I know, who AM I!?}. One day, if you share it around and continue to do your thing, it will have its day in the sun. One day that well written post of your might just be the one that goes viral, or scores you your dream job or advertiser. Then you and your blog will have its day in the sun.
Good blogs always do.
Hi! I’m Melissa Walker Horn. Around here, they call me Suger. I’m the Chief Blogger and doer of all the things here at Suger Coat It. Blogging since 1901; I love a casual ootd, taking photos, and writing about things that irk or inspire me. I love wine and cheese, long days at the beach and spending time with my family. I make stuff for the internet over at Chalkboard Digital. You know, living the sweet life.
I seriously just love you. Every single post I read, I just realize more and more how down to earth and genuine you are. Thank you for sharing the best of you with your readership!
Haha. Thanks Erin! And you’re so welcome. The best part is, I don’t know how to be any different, so it will always be like that around here. 😉
Oh man, I just love love LOVE those last couple of paragraphs! In the last 6-12 months I’ve gotten over ‘having a blog’ and now I just blog. If that makes sense. I used to have all these grand plans. But it’s just not for me. It changes me and I’m not fond of it. I just have to do what I do. If people find it and like it then that makes me feel so humbled and great. And if they don’t, that is totally ok too! I haven’t looked at my traffic in MONTHS! I just don’t care about that stuff anymore. I’ve rediscovered what I think is important and I really like it. Great post Sug!
Thank you lady! you know me, I’m big on the plans. But even for me it was becoming too contrived. I posted about style on Wednesdays because that’s what my calendar said I was to post about. It was driving me BATTY. So I’m stepping back from the schedules and madness, I might as well. No one really participates at this time of year anyway. I can do what I WANT.
Oh wait!? Realisation, I can do what I want ALL year round. 😉
I really like this whole-blog perspective you’re taking. My blog is in its infancy (pre-infancy maybe!) and I feel that before I can worry about schedules and stuff, I need to have a bank of good quality content. Maybe one day, I’ll write something that will really stand out and help carve out a little space on the internet’s psyche for my blog. Maybe.
I’m sure it will. Write what you know, I think, write it well, tell people it’s there and go from there onwards and upwards. If there is one thing I have learnt, it’s that you can’t force these things.
To disagree for once, I am running on totally full right now. Freaking bursting with christmas cheer. It’s been a long year, with moving and a husband being away on a ship for the first time, and I’m so excited to have everyone home again, and a house full of family to spoil.
And that’s my slightly off-topic rant for the evening done *bows*
Haha. Glad to hear you are SO enlivened and packed with energy lady! SO glad. And that your sailor will be home soon. Exciting.
I’ve seen this debate a lot and you know what I keep coming back to? There’s always an excuse not to do something. Besides, that’s why many themes have featured post spaces… feature it later! People can discover a post any time. I’m always randomly clicking back on old posts to see things…instead of ‘just do it’, ‘just publish it’!
Exactly. I could make an excuse and hold these posts over to the new year, maybe never ever finish them. Wait for next week at a certain time to publish them and see how that goes… It’s all become a little contrived for this little black duck.
Oh Suger you are going against lots of advice i’ve read… but i love it! I’m really getting my blogging mojo back right now and who cares wether its not the best time, if i’m motivated and excited about what I’m putting out there then i’m happy with as much or as little exposure as I get! 🙂
Of course I am! HA. I changed my mind on this one. I’m such a schedules girl. Regular posts on regular days and all that. All of a sudden I didn’t want to write anything at all and thought, STUFF IT! Free for all. Haha.