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I am not really a vintage girl. The most vintage thing in my wardrobe are the jackets I pinched from my Mum and forgot all about giving her cash for. It’s not that I don’t think it’s beautiful, I do, I really really do, it just doesn’t fit into my lifestyle or general level of effort. All those victory rolls and make-up take time folks. Haha. It’s too hard for me. I’d need a full-time make-up artist. Desiree?

BUT I saw the most recent collection from Bombshell Vintage on the runway at the Curvy Couture Roadshow and I was snapping away like a mad woman. The colours, the cuts and the style just made me smile. SO fun. I figured even for a girl like me, who likes to keep things simple, there’s something I could woooork. The coats for one, ahh Queensland, why you so warm all the time!? And the lace dress, that I could work with, the sequin number well let me just find the occasion and I would wear the heck out of that.

Am I right? I’m totally right.

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If you read any other Australian plus-size fashion blogs you will recognise some of the models too. How fun is that? When brands first started using bloggers as models I got really excited. There’s such a diversity in that. And sure models are glamorous and gorgeous in this aspirational way that I love, but there’s a little bit of a thrill seeing girls you ‘know’/know in a campaign like this. I for one think they did a killer job. Well done ladies.

My favourite part of the brand’s website {which is great and seems really easy to use} is in the about section where brand owner Kate Millet describes why she started the brand and then at the very end there is a small, one line quote that makes this girls heart sing… Dress for your style, not your size. It’s so true because fashion is fun and an expression. It’s time we forgot the old rules and wore clothes that made us look AND feel great. Go nuts team.

And as a final side note, Bombshell Vintage stock sizes 14 to 30. I expect to see that sequin dress in a supermarket aisle on day soon. Why wait for a special occasion, right? Haha. Sequins for everyone! Now, it’s collage time.

Where to Buy Plus-Size Fashion Bombshell Vintage

Shop Bombshell Vintage here or view their lookbook here.

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