If you visit me here often, firstly thank you, then you would know that I’ve got a thing for a printed dress with ankle boots or sneakers. It’s sort of my go-to style. My fall back. My first choice when I need to pull an outfit together. That fondness is often and regularly supplemented by the team at 17 Sundays thanks to their killer print dresses. All the prints are actually designed in-house, isn’t that amazing?

Talented people man, they blow my mind.

So I have more than one printed dress in my wardrobe (hence the post title) and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Printed dresses, especially ones like this one, are easy to wear and always kick style goals. Every time I wear this dress someone asks me where it from. And almost every time someone says how awesome it is. That’s a win!

I received a parcel of items from 17 Sundays to pack and take with me to the ProBlogger conference. This dress was in it. And that’s where these photos were taken, not my living room, obviously. The day I wore it no less than 5 women stopped me to ask about the dress or pay it their compliments. FIVE, in like 6 hours. That’s got to be a new dress record…

Anyway. The somewhat short version is that a simple, but cool, printed dress can you take you places lady. So find one you love and give it shot. I know you’ll come back to me and be like, OMG Suger you were SO right. Becuase I am and I will be and this will absolutely happen. Until then, enjoy a couple more pics. Pinnable pics, hint hint, if that’s your thing.

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17 sundays plus size casual print dress-1

Wearing c/o 17 Sundays Paradisco Dress & Harajuku Batwing Cape w/ Autograph Boots {similar}