Most of us have given into the idea that we can’t really have it all at the same time. I’m okay with that to a certain degree but if you want to cram as much into your life as you can, do more for and with people, achieve your dreams, live well, exercise, entertain and sustain great relationships well you’re going to need a good system to do all that.

And I have some ideas on how. 

Don’t I always, though? Are you sick of me Mrs know it all by now? Haha. I hope not because I’ve gone ahead and written this post anyway. Because living well matters. Having the things you want in your life NOW matters. And missing out sucks. So if you’re ready, willing and able I’ve got some tips to get you there. It’s not for the faint-hearted folks. The truth is, most people don’t want it enough. Yup. I said that out loud.

  • Use a diary. Keep ALL the things you are doing in there and never say yes to something until you’ve checked your calendar. This tip alone will keep you from flinging yourself around from thing to thing late, stressed and over it.
  • Know what’s important to you. Seriously, it sounds like something obvious but if your family is important and you never see them, well then you’re ALL out of whack, you know? Get clear on who and what is important to you, these are about to become your number one priorities, nothing will take their place.
  • Don’t assume you won’t have time for something. Often I get asked to grab a coffee or go to lunch with someone on a day that is already jam-packed… So instead of saying no, it doesn’t work for me I always ask if half an hour will do? Can I drop by and say hello? Can I make it the following day instead? When you answer with a no before you’ve taken a look at how it can work, you’ve cut it off. It’s gone. You’re no longer having it all. You lose. HA.
  • I say this over and over again on my blog, you need to STOP wasting time. If you are busy, your new manuscript has been left untouched, there are dishes in the sink and your best friend doesn’t know what colour your hair is at the moment then turn off the tv, the internets, stop whatever you are doing and get some perspective. What are you spending your time on? Maybe it’s time to take a closer look. Where IS your time going?
  • And finally, enjoy the times when your phone is off, you don’t have a million things to do and you are literally vegging out. Lay on the couch in your undies and watch movies. It totally works for me. Or go to the beach and read mags all afternoon. Enjoy the pockets of downtime so you are restored and ready to go, go, go.


That my friends are my top tips for having it all in life. Don’t forget that downtime thing, it’s a killer without it. I should know, I’m off to Brisbane again this weekend to catch up with some of the ladies. I’ve got people to see, things to do and a Hubby to miss terribly. Life; you’ve got to squish in as much as you can while you can. You just never know what’s around the corner.


5 Tips for how to have it all | Suger Coat It

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