In the past five (or so) years, I feel like I gave my life an extreme makeover. I might not be richer, thinner, or that much smarter but what I am is confident. Over-confident by some accounts I’m sure but that what makes this such a victory for me. While I always had a pretty good sense of who I am, in these past few years I’ve been ready, willing and able to share that with whoever will listen.
And that is what confidence does. It gives you access to the voice you need to be yourself. It why I bang on and on about it. If you want a big life, one filled with the things that make you happy, it’s time to get a handle on this thing. It’s time to start practising and see what shows up. With that in mind, I’ve put together a few posts on the topic of confidence that I love. I know you will too. Enjoy!
How to get your confidence back when you’ve been through a rough patch – Creative Boom
During those darker periods, our confidence tends to hit rock bottom. We hesitate and doubt ourselves. We forget who we are and what we’re supposed to be doing, and every single aspect of our life and business is affected.
It happened to me last year. A few significant things occurred personally and professionally, and my confidence crumbled. There was a moment when I thought I’d never get it back. But with a little perseverance and some helpful tricks, I’ve managed to recover. Read More.
19 Tips to boost your confidence – The Greatist
A list of ideas and things to do to boost your confidence right now. Start now and be the bouncing, bundle of energy-filled confident you of your dreams. That’s the idea. And it delivers in a lot of ways, read the list and you’ll take at least one thing away that will impact your confidence when you apply it. I know I did.
25 Actions to boost your self-confidence – Zen Habits
Very similar to the post before, but written in a different voice, this post will give you 25 things you can do now to make a difference to your confidence. I included two of these posts, even though there are some crossovers because these are the sort of posts that you bookmark for those days when you just can’t deal. Start here. Confidence will follow.
8 tips to boost your self-confidence – The Tiny Buddha
With some great tips for overcoming self-doubt and getting your feet back on the ground, this post from The Tiny Buddha is worth a read for those who need a bit of dust yourself off and try again type advice. Perfect for those dealing with people around them who feel the need to make them feel small.
Saying No and Feeling Good About It – Suger Coat It
And last but not least, here is one I wrote about confidently saying no. But more than that, how to get to a place in your life where you feel that you can feel good about saying no.
Enjoy ladies and gentleman. Confidence is something I hope to get back to talking more about around here. It’s been a long time since the 28 days to a more confident you series; in a lot of ways redefined this blog. Writing it redefined me too. What can I say, confidence changes things. Get on board. If you want to check out more posts in the confidence archives of this blog, head to the Confident You/Confidence category here.
Hi! I’m Melissa Walker Horn. Around here, they call me Suger. I’m the Chief Blogger and doer of all the things here at Suger Coat It. Blogging since 1901; I love a casual ootd, taking photos, and writing about things that irk or inspire me. I love wine and cheese, long days at the beach and spending time with my family. I make stuff for the internet over at Chalkboard Digital. You know, living the sweet life.
its very powerful
Indeed it is. 👏🏼
No doubt this was very informative and clear things which you written, thank you
I did a post just last week on self-confidence! It’s called “You’re Better than You Think You Are” … and believe me, I think most of us really need to hear it!
Oooo, gimme a link! I’m lazy. 😛
LOL I was trying to be “polite” and not leave the link but okay, seeing as you asked for it 😉
Excellent! Thanks for sharing Janet. x
Thanks for stopping by! x
Of course! x