Sun-smart products to get you through summer. Say THAT three times fast. Haha. As pretty much all of Australia wilts in the heat, it was about time to put together a sun smart products guide. For some of you it might be a little late, but with the usual string of long weekends coming up, maybe it’s just in time. The sun-smart products below will keep you out of trouble this summer. Protect your skin and help you make good choices.

Shout out to the hottest temps on record.

I’m a summer kid. I may hate humidity with a vengeance. But when it comes to long days in the sun, preferably at the beach with a beverage in hand, I’m in heaven. Talk to my Mother, she’s a beach babe too. Heck, the whole family are beach babes. It’s in the DNA.

Something I haven’t always been great at is protecting my skin from the sun. Horrible would be a great way to describe it. A fact that became clear with some dark spots and boob freckles in my late twenties. But one too many nights spent drenched in aloe from the plant taught me a lesson that finally sunk in.

Wear more sunscreen, dummy! Haha.

These days, along with regular mole scans, I like to pay more attention to the impacts of the sun. Through sunscreen, coverage, reapplying (so important) and avoiding those peak burn times when possible. You know, making good choices. Hence, this little sun smart guide to help you do the same.

10 sun-smart products for summer

sun-smart products for summer - Suger Coat It

One Solbari Long Sleeve Dress   Two Essano Little Lovelies Beach Pack  Three  St. Tropez Gradual Tan Four Invisible Zinc 50+ Sunscreen  Five Curvy Swimwear Wetshirt  Six Milla Floppy Hat  Seven 50+ Shade Umbrella  Eight Cancer Council Fedora Nine Jojoba Protective Daycream Ten Active Truth Zip Up Black Swimsuit

sun smart essentials for summer - suger coat it

Happy shopping, team! Keep your skin protected and your nose clean. After all, it’s pretty hard to function with sunburn or worse. Let me know what the one thing you don’t leave the house without in summer. Consider this a survey and feel free to leave me a link if it’s something you make.

Photo by Rutger Lanser on Unsplash