This week I’ve been approached regarding three denim and jean launches, which is great news for my business, but maaaaan, it’s a billion degrees. And yes I know this is content for the cooler months to come, but I can’t help but think do I have to? Haha. It’s hot. And when it’s hot, you’ll find me in a casual summer dress.




Case in point, this awesomeness from 17 Sundays. They really do keep me in stripe heaven. The back of this dress HAS to be seen (there’s a photo below) and all in all, I’m in love. I’m wearing the Medium, though my normal size is the Large. You’ll see on the model the more relaxed fit.

Which, you know, jeans aren’t. Not for me anyway.

Especially since I’ve been doing my very best job of eating and drinking all the things. At this stage, I’d be lucky if my jeans from last winter button up. Whoops. Ah well, you win some, you lose some. Thank goodness for the summer dress. Which, I am literally wearing right now, in front of a fan because HEATWAVE. That’s why.

Oh, and don’t worry. I’ve looked at the denim launch stuff and will make sure I say yes to some. Because I know you guys are into jeans I will suffer through wearing them on a 40-degree day for photos to bring to you in the coming months. I’m just that kind of girl. Haha. You’re welcome. Anything else you want to see? Snow gear perhaps? Haha.

Plus Size Stripe Casual Dress | Suger Coat It Plus Size Stripe Casual Dress | Suger Coat It Plus Size Stripe Casual Dress | Suger Coat It Plus Size Stripe Casual Dress | Suger Coat It Plus Size Stripe Casual Dress | Suger Coat It

Wearing 17 Sundays Double Layer Tee Dress and my Converse. Of course. Always.