What are you inspired by this week? Me? Well I missed the last week in a haze of moving/hens party weekend’ness and wasn’t overly sad about it. I was inspired by not caring apparently. Haha. This week is the opposite to the black and white images post of the fortnight before. This post scream COLOUR.

I’m a notorious Instagram Sunset Collector. It’s a hashtag and everything. And this week I went scouting the interwebs for some inspiration and I came across sunset after sunset after sunset. So here we are! This week’s inspiration is sunrises and sunsets in all the colours of the rainbow. Because let’s face it, unless you were there, it can be hard to tell what is sunrise and what is sunset. So it’s a free for all. 

And would you look at those colours! As I layer navy with black with linen with white with gold in my new home I get a pang sometimes that I didn’t choose a brighter palette. Like hot-pink, bright-blue and golden-yellow like the image on the bottom left. All the colours of the rainbow depending on the day and the weather.

Then I remember that in my warm, welcoming lounge room, any of these beautiful images would be right at home and really, I can change my mind any old-time I like.

When it came to collecting images for this post I went to a local girl in the know. Sunshine Coast locals probably recognise most of these places. Plus I’m totally biased as her second cousin, but she’s the best there is. Landscape photos all pinched from Kate Wall of Kate Wall Photography. Follow her Facebook page for gorgeousness or pop over to her website if you’re thinking family session, wedding or to purchase a print. Tell her “surprise, Suger sent me”. She has no idea I pinched all her pics. Haha.

What’s inspiring you? Do you collect sunsets?