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Welcome back to our second last step in this Fashion Anarchy journey. In part 3 we spoke about the things you can do to create interest in your outfit and start to build up some idea of what you like. The best way to do THAT is to experiment with everything. Every. Single. Thing.

I really took to experimenting thanks to the Aussie Curves challenges. I started to look at the things in my wardrobe differently. I considered every piece and how I could work it into the theme, sometimes close to my style, sometimes WAY out of my comfort zone.

It took some trying stuff on, swapping the top or bottoms one more time, adding different shoes but in the end I’d get there. Sometimes I’d be much closer to the ‘there’ that I was aiming for than other times. But failing is all part of it. Getting it wrong, taking a look and seeing how you can improve is part of it. 

Experimenting is just as important in your clothing choices as it is in any area of your life. You learnt to walk by doing something different, falling lots and then finally you just had it. Sure sometimes you still trip over {some of us more than others} but you’ll find your feet and it’ll happen less and less. 

Analogy over but I hope I’ve made my point. Experimenting is the practice makes perfect line of the styling world. You really will never know if you like something or if it works to show off that killer bod of yours if you don’t try. It’s the entire point of throwing out the rules, this is your chance to deconstruct what you thought you know about what works for you and REALLY find out. 

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How can you experiment in your wardrobe? 

Consider the items you already own. Can they be worn in a different way to how you’ve always worn them? I have a couple of longline button up shirts that work beautifully in a range of ways. Open as a jacket, open and belted, buttoned up and belted, buttoned up. as it’s supposed to be and half buttons done and half left open over pants exposing a peek of midriff can work depending on the style. Not only will that expand the opportunities for an awesome outfit in your wardrobe give you a whole new look each time. 

I always say that if I can’t imagine an item worn at least three different ways I don’t add it to my wardrobe. Sometimes I lay awake at night planing different outfits to justify that new ‘must have’ skirt. If you’re a bit of an impulse buyer and you end up with loads of times you don’t need, this tip alone will save you bundles. Give it a try. 

And when you shop, then what? 

I love to leave my money in the car, literally. I put my wallet under the seat and head into the shops. Paid parking has made this a little trickier to do but I’m sure you’ll figure that out. I leave my money because I’m going to look and see what I like, try some things on and get a feel for what’s new. I’m not there to shop. 

Stop laughing! It’s actually a really good way to keep your money in your wallet and not buy items you don’t need. If you’re desperate, it’s THE PERFECT thing and you’ve been looking for it forever, you can always ask them to hold it for 15 minutes. Trust me, I’ve done it. 

So that is my hot tip! 

As you try new things, build your wardrobe slowly and incorporate the things that will formulate your new style don’t forget to keep experimenting. Remember the description that you gave your style and that it can always change. Just because you have found a look you love now, that suits the life you have now, it doesn’t mean that it will always work for you. 

Keep experimenting. There’s always something new to try. 



Share a photo of your outfit created from today’s post {open until Saturday to allow you time to plan and wear it} and share it in the comments below, on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. #sugersfashionanarchy

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