I want you to hear me out on something. Your body, how you feel about it, all of that stuff just as it is right now, is FINE. Perfectly, imperfectly fine. You don’t have to wait to weigh less or be fitter, to be well or anyone’s version of healthy to start. You have to start now. Now is the only time that matters when it comes to taking back control of your body and loving it.

Confident You Body Confidence Challenge | www.sugercoatit.com

Meagan Kerr | www.thisismeagankerr.com

Think about it, are you going to wait to be shorter to start? Until your skin is a different colour or your hips are suddenly not as wide-set? Impossible. Literally impossible. So instead, consider this.

We all know the scene from Bridget Jones where he says he’s into her, just as she is. JUST AS SHE IS, right? Well, I want you to make this your mantra. You might not like the look of your thighs or feel your smile is lopsided, but you can love those things just as they are.

You start changing the way you talk about your body and by adding AND I LOVE IT JUST AS IT IS after anything negative you let yourself say about your body. And the best part is, you can do it now. Right now. Because the truth is that if you don’t start now, you never will. If you don’t start making a stand for changing the conversation in your head and the way you and other talk about your body, it won’t ever be different.


So stop waiting for the right moment. The perfect occasion, body or block of time and make the leap today. You deserve to make this change right now. Not later. Not never. Right now. So start by taking some time to define what body confidence would LOOK LIKE for you?

Would it be wearing those shorts you’ve stashed in the back of your cupboard? Being seen in swimmers by the pool? Maybe being naked in front of a partner in the privacy of your home? What does it look like for you? Describe it. Describe what it looks like, what it feels like, smells like, tastes like and sounds like. Jot it all down.

Let’s go! 

Confident You Body Confidence Challenge | www.sugercoatit.com

Hit play to hear from Erika of The Queen of Confidence about what Body Confidence means to her.

For those joining in the photo challenge (on Instagram or in the Facebook group) feel free to share as much (or as little) of what that looks like for you using the #mybodypositive #sugersconfidentyou hashtags. We want to be able to support you in drawing this new line in the sand RIGHT NOW. 

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