Want to talk work wardrobe? Of course, you do, why else would you be here, right? Well, I work three days a week in manufacturing which means my job is pretty varied. One day I’m managing quality documentation, the next I’m presenting tenders or marketing submissions. The one thing that stays the same is my simple, pull it on and get out the door work wardrobe.

I wear the same pieces mixed and matched over and over again. It’s why there’s no point posting daily outfit photos of my work clothes. They’re the same ones you’ve seen over and over since 2009 with a few additions. Yawn. But you know what? That’s the reality of it. They are work clothes, I want them to look good, but it’s not like they’re my favourite pair of soft denim joggers and a slouchy tee. So, I make do with a small, multi-use work wardrobe.

So, I make do with a small, multi-use wardrobe. And if that’s something you want to give a try, that’s what we are doing here today. Pinterest is filled with capsule wardrobe ideas, but the choices for plus size women are much more limited. Add to that work-appropriate, and it’s slim pickings. Here I am to save the daaaaaaay! Said like Jim Carrey in whatever movie that was. Of course.  


Want to give it a capsule work wardrobe a shot? Here are my top ten!


plus size capsule work wardrobe - Suger Coat It


1. Avocado Plus Luxe Bomber | 2. Hope & Harvest Empire Shirt Dress  |  3. Alison Dominy Designs Annie Blouse 

4. 17 Sundays Longline Shirt  |  5. City Chic Cute Lining Jacket | 6.  Love Your Wardrobe Cuffed Pant

7.  Atmos & Here Alexis Wrap Dress | 8.  Atmos & Here Jersey Pencil Skirt

9.  Atmos & Here Grid Print Blouse | 10. Harlow Dream Maker Sweater Dress


Now, that Harlow Sweater dress has been a staple in my work wardrobe since I first got my hands on one. It washes and wears beautifully and looks great all day long. Worth a look if you’re sitting because it never creases. Another mention has to go out to how versatile a jersey pencil skirt is. Get one with a decent fabric, and it will serve you well as you mix and match. Let me know if you think I’ve missed something, but this combination of items keep me clothed and at my desk.

Happy work wardrobe day, team! What item couldn’t you live without when it comes to heading to work. Especially if this ‘semi-corporate’ vibe I’ve got going on here really isn’t up your ally. Maybe you’re a hardhat and steel caps kind of girl? Or a jeans and tee, sneakers and cardigan type? Get into that comment box, it’s always great to hear back from you.


Plus size capsule work wardrobe - Suger Coat It