I’ve made some changes this fortnight. First I left my job and went full-time in my blog and social media consultancy. THEN I got offered a great 6 month contract for that consultancy and since Monday I’m busier than ever. It’s the same, same sort of hours, the same work I’m good at doing, similar environment that I’m used to. But I work afternoons instead of mornings four days a week and it’s thrown everything out of whack.

So I need some help friends.

Help meeeee.

Heeeeeeeeelp meeeeee.


I need you to give me your best tips for getting into a new routine. As far as I can see in these early stages I will need to be blogging in the mornings, probably exercising too. I need to get to bed earlier {I’m not sure I’m programmed that way}. I need to finish the backlog of work I have now and create the new opportunities I started cultivating last week so that they are available when this contract ends. I’ll need to generate content in blocks and probably try to photograph ALL my weekend outfits so I have them. Which means I might need more clothes. Haha.

See I have the plan, now what? Show me the way folks. Give me your best how to sink your teeth into a new routine tip. After a couple of weeks I’ll let you know how I’m going with a follow-up post. Sound good? Let’s roll.