Sunday I attended the Curvy Couture Road Show as part of the Virgin Australia Melbourne Fashion Festival cultural program. Holy heck team, those playing at home are going to pee their pants when you see what is coming up in plus-size fashion in this country in the coming months. Seriously.

As I watched them come down the runway I couldn’t help but think of that girl, 21-year-old me, who was stuck wearing peasant blouses and brown because her options were so limited. I thought about how excited she was when she could buy a pair of shorts that looked like everyone else’s. How excited she was to bit by bit grow into a style as the industry whose job it is to dress her grew with her.

That girl would have been SO excited. The woman I am now was too. But a cooler, more reserved version. Of course.

Okay so I am totally lying. I bounced around from spot to spot, chatting with people and basically spilling all my excitement all over them. I had an awesome day actually. I got off to a little late start after one heck of a party the evening before with the Aussie Curves ladies. But more on that later. I came, I saw, I LOVED. Here are some of the pics I took {that weren’t blurry and horrid}. Enjoy!

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More information, goss, stories and all that excellent stuff to come. Don’t forget to Pin the stuff you love. Show the world what our Aussie brands and models can do, right!? That’s my plan anyway. A big congratulations to all involved from me. I was so proud of you all, it was one heck of a show! But like I said before, more on that LATER…

Insert awkward pause while I drive home. 

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